
作者&投稿:康丁 2024-09-19

The 1950s and 1960s, the Western countries, some reporters began publicly reported pollution events of the truth, well-known community have an appeal for action, scientists feel a sense of responsibility and the pioneering spirit, there is a need to further enhance human for the Earth's environmentcomprehensive understanding of the scientific means to solve a variety of environmental issues, and to rebuild the social and natural order. Therefore, from the beginning of the 1950s and 1960s, a number of Western countries began to organize specialized investigation and study of environmental problems, the results continuously available, including "Silent Spring", "Limits to Growth" caused the most enormous repercussions. we can grasp the context of the development of modern environmental protection. "Silent Spring" from the point of view of pollution ecology, illustrates the close relationship between the human with the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, soil, plants and animals, revealed the impact of environmental pollution on ecosystems, modern ecology faced contamination of ecological problems. "Silent Spring," reveals the depth and breadth of the pollution of the eco-environmental impact, and thus proposed that "we have to share with other creatures our planet, and establish a reasonable coordination" relationship between man and nature. In the 1970s, people began to realize: environmental issues include not only the problem of pollution, but also ecological issues, resource issues; environmental issues and not just a technical issue, but also an important social and economic issues. Obvious manifestation of this view in 1972 published "The Limits to Growth". "Limits to Growth" clearly the environmental issues and related socio-economic issues raised to the height of the "global problem" to be understood, which is the most important sense.

China is the world's first " clothing manufacturing big country ", however many garment enterprises, is actually a typical " foundry enterprise ", is the foreign brand's work, these enterprises make the industrial value chain of the most meager profit. With the growth of labor costs, the continued appreciation of RMB, Chinese garment enterprises are facing severe problems in transition. This article through to the apparel industry environment analysis, pointed out our country clothing OEM business transformation of urgency, and further study of the apparel manufacturing enterprises in the strategic restructuring of the existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding solution


Within 90 days overdue (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: to be paid from the agreed expiry date until the actual day full payment should be the date of payment, buy a house to pay the seller the sum of daily late penalty to be paid three ten thousandths of a contract to perform;
Overdue for more than 90 days, and did not pay the price due to the amount of one-fifth of the total price the seller the right to require the buyer to pay the full purchase price or the amount of payment from the date of the expiry of six months to terminate the contract.

1. Overdue within 90 days (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: self-agreement and payable from the day after the expiration date to full payment of the actual date of payment, buy a house to pay the seller the sum of daily late penalty to be paid three ten thousandths of a contract to perform;

2. Overdue for more than 90 days, and did not pay the amount due to the price of one fifth of the total price the seller the right to require the buyer to pay the full price or expiration of the period of payment of the money within six months from the date of termination of the contract.

1 in 90 days overdue (90 days), or if more than 90 days but fails to pay the price for the amount due to one fifth of the total price: since the contract period due to the actual JieManRi the payment due date, buy by the overdue payment to the seller, the liquidated damages due only to perform the contract,

2 if more than 90 days, and the price paid amount due to one fifth of the total price, the seller shall have the right to require the buyer to pay all the money in the price or the date of expiration of the time limit for the payment of half a year to terminate the contract.

1 in 90 days overdue (90 days), or if more than 90 days but fails to pay the price for the amount due to one fifth of the total price: since the contract period due to the actual JieManRi the payment due date, buy by the overdue payment to the seller, the liquidated damages due only to perform the contract,

2 if more than 90 days, and the price paid amount due to one fifth of the total price, the seller shall have the right to require the buyer to pay all the money in the price or the date of expiration of the time limit for the payment of half a year to terminate the contract.



第一段翻译为:Within 90 days overdue (including 90 days), or more than 90 days past due but not paid the amount of the price due to one-fifth of the total price: to be paid from the agreed expiry date until the actual day full payment should be the date of payment, buy...

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(李悦娥,范宏雅 1998)Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don' t get tired.这句话在西方人的理解是认为他年纪大了,不中用了,而需要别人的照顾。(those Fan Hongya 1998) both Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don 't get tired. It is the understanding of the w...

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