
作者&投稿:臾步 2024-09-19
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习



Jiangnan-called rainy spring, the program is a drop. People living in Shanghai, less than usual sense of the need for rain. When it rains, the weather is so murky, who also lost boredom in a *** all home, but went to the outside, no mountains, no lakes, no rain on the light green leaves, and not everything goes well, and sometimes created vehicles from passing around you, and you should bring back very sludge

Chiangnan's spring usually Chindu rain, as soon as falls is 78 days. Lives in Shanghai's people, ordinary day does not feel the rain need. Once rains, the weather is that cloudy, who also bears stuffily in the narrow and *** all family, but runs outside, does not have the mountain, does not have the lake, also after the rain light green leaf, all has not been inferior to the cloudless day to be good, sometimes rich person's automobile 驶过 from your side, but also must bring body sludge to e back.

It is called that Jiangnan’s spring is rainy cause it is usually consisting seven or eight days. People living in shanghai can’t feel the need of rain in the usual times. When it rains, the weather is so murkiness that no one like to stay in their *** all home. But when you get out, you can find there is no mountain, no lake and no the fresh leaves which are worse than these in the sunny days. Some times the rich’s cars crossed, you have to go back with mud in the whole body.


life extremely spark. We should care for each other to make love exist everywhere.这是我一句一句译的哦~不知道你最后句要插在哪里,于是用"\/"插在了最可能的地方。文章写得很中文化特别是全文居然只有一个句号。。。于是某些地方我做了点意译,更符合英文表达,但愿意不变。希望能帮到你~~...

1.Organizing and arranging for all kinds of conferences;composing and listing conference notifications, notes and work reports;2.Dealing with and saving documents & collecting and listing files 3.Answering and transferring calls; Dealing with all kinds of communications as calls ,emails and...

Because the bad weather,or you do not want to go out of the day.On the contrary ,you wants it immediately。However,since the emergence of on-line shopping mall,most of these problems will be readily solved.希望能帮你解决上述翻译,若果那句不合意,请补充说明,我再修改。


希望能帮到你 1.Yesterday was Wednesday, we have the (a) mathematics, language, chemistry, political music, geography, physical education. Geography class is the first time on. I first met the teacher of geography. As a representative of my math class, for the first time ask for...

in this technologically advanced society, access to internet brings great convenience to our daily lives, which includes learning english. we can easily look up information and vocabuaries in English through access to the internet. Some websites even provide english channels for learning....

In 1984 the attitude began to walk the world, learning has always been good, but with the scores out.Hope to find a librarian's work, one-year work experience, work conscientiously Tashi, hardworking, forward.I Buaiyuehua, like reading books, covered extensively. Writing in ...

1.I am not beautful ,and very cool,but I am very interested in reading and good at operate computar.2.I am a junnior college student , 19 years old,living in Beijing City,and having no job.

In recent years, due to their children after getting married, move out of the other, many old people live on pension (rural parts only for retirement system) from the heavy housework burden, and live a peaceful life. Compared with the large family, the small family is much ...

The difference is: and pig pig is always, and people sometimes pig but not man Someday you will appear in the name of my registered permanent residence this getting on Do you have any fun? Speak make everyone happy.Recently, 16 hours of sleep always up again.If I can't ...