能帮我翻译一下一下文字吗?汉译英! 能帮我翻译下吗?(汉译英)(所有都要翻译)

作者&投稿:谷振 2024-09-19

Vaccination guidelines
1, any of the following diseases or conditions, please inform the doctor, such as: fever, tuberculosis, diabetes, allergies, hypertension, heart, liver, kidney disease, immunodeficiency disease, tumor, immune globulin using history, pregnant and lactating women, and all you think it necessary to inform physicians about the situation.
2, pregnant and lactating women vaccination prohibited. Influenza vaccine, gills leprosy vaccine ( MMR ) in women after three months of pregnancy should be avoided, other vaccines in vaccinated women after a month of pregnancy should be avoided.
3, your vaccination for corresponding disease has a good role in prevention, but few people occasionally reaction. If coverage in the hours after the injection site redness, swelling, pain or fever (≤ 38.5C, L3 days), pay attention to rest and drink lots of water after spontaneous remission of symptoms. Serious as soon as possible to cast unit advisory.
4, please take good care of your vaccination certificate, in order to immigration and abroad for kindergarten, school, employment or medical insurance, can produce the internationally recognized effective certificate.
5, three days after vaccination, should pay attention to maintaining the injection site dry cleaning, avoid alcohol.
6, vaccination contraindications:
1) fever, acute infection disease
2) acute infectious diseases ( including recovery)
3) suffering from serious diseases, immunodeficiency and the use of immunosuppressive agents.
4) allergic history
5) in pregnant and lactating women, menstrual period
6) suffers from hypertension, severe liver, kidney, heart disease patients
7), convulsions and other brain disorders in patients with epilepsy

Used to leave my mobile phone on when it is being charged.

Used to look at my mobile phone whether I am busy or not.

Used to leave my mobile by my pillow.

used to stare blankly.

used to look around.

Used to be reticent.

All bad habits came from you.

I like to stay with others. man is a gregarious animal. the custom was formed through the daily life. we are the main part of the society. I don't think who like to stay alone. the person who want to stay in the society has to learn how to communication with other people. such as, it is just yourself happiness when you enjoy the cake. if you share the cake with friend. the happiness will belong two people. I still remember , once I felt very low , I walked alone on the mountain. When I saw my friend Mike and my cousin Allen from the moutain ,I forgot the sad thing soon.I went to climb the mountain till the top with them happily .

I like group life.
As we all know, human beings are social creatures living together, and we form many habits in the group, in that way, we make up the entire society.
I think no one would like to live alone, he must learn how to mingle with people then cannot losing his foothold of society.
For example, you take a piece of cake and enjoy alone, it is just a person happy, but to share with your friends, happiness belongs to two people or more.
I still remembered that when I was walking alone in the mountains, unhappy, then I saw my friend Mike and cousin Allen walking up to me, I forgot the unpleasant things immediately, later three of us went up the top of mountain and enjoy that time.

I like group life. Human beings are social creatures, they develop many habits during their group life. Thus the whole society is formed. I don't think there is someone who likes living alone. He has to learn how to make friends with other people in order to keep a foothold.
For example, if you enjoy a piece of cake alone, the happiness will be only yours. But if you share with your friends, you receive dobule joys.
I still remember when I walk alone on the hills, that day I was not in a good mood. But when I saw my friend Mike and my cousin Allen coming from the moutain, I immediately forgot what I was upset for. At last, we happily reached the top of the mountain together.


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