
作者&投稿:仝宣 2024-09-19

I'm Su Lili. My English name is Lily. I'm eleven years old this year. I'm Quanzhou Licheng Experimental Primary School for Class six Grade four of student. I like drawing pictures and singing. My favourite subject is English and P.E. Because I think is so funny. I like reading books,too. My favourite book is "Horry Porter". I want to be an art teacher.We wish the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games a resounding success!

I don’t wanna miss one smile

I don't wanna miss one hug

Well,I just wanna be with you ,

Righ there with you just like this’

I just wanna hold you close

Feel your heart so close to mine ,

And just stay here in this moment,

For all the rest of time.

Don’t wanna close my eyes

Don’t wanna fall asleep,

Don”t wanna miss a thing .


It costs nothing, but creates much.

It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.

It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None are so rich that they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.

It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.

It is rest to the weary , daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.

And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying, some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours?

For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!


Rachel坦诚她大概不会出去渡假。她解释道:“在过去的两年中,我一直在与癌症作斗争”For the 2 years before that, I’d been volunteering one day a week in a 28 bed hospice ward as part of my spiritual practice 在那之前的两年中,我一直在一家有28个床位的济贫院里做义工,以此作为我...

3,我们的欧洲代表J. Needham先生将在本月24日到30日抵达巴黎,并且我们邀请他在此期间抽空拜访你。他将向您展示手工生产线的全部样品,并授权讨论订货事宜和合同的签订。4,我们将提供诱人的薪水和福利制度,并为合适的候选人提供相应的培训和提升机会。请将目前为止全部简历及期望的工资待遇寄至以下地址...



Because you loved me 因为你爱我。You gave me wings and made me fly 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。You touched my hand I could touch the sky 你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。I lost my faith, you gave it back to me 我灰心之时,你帮我重拾信心。You said no star was out of...

"现阶段我们的主要工作就是同中国的媒体加强合作”Ezzat Shahrour说,“期待这种合作能够使我们对中国的报道变得更加广泛和生动。中国和阿拉伯媒体间的商务合作和交换会有一个美好的未来”我没时间打完哦,等空一点上来补充:)哦,终于写完了,在老板眼皮底下开小差真不容易哦,呵呵,参考一下吧,我自己...


Sichuan cuisine historical development the Sichuan cuisine is the Chinese eight main dishes is one, usually enjoyed " a vegetable standard, hundred vegetable hundred tastes " the prestige, its history is glorious, well-established. According to the history book record, the Sichuan cuisine...

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I live in Shanghai, she is a beautiful city.I like flowers, I like clear sky, and I also like kids.I hope I can receive various postcards, you can post the postcard to me if you like it.In addition, my english is no very good, so never mind.Happy Everyday!