
作者&投稿:农丹 2024-09-19
The magazine was read quite widely even by some of the hierarchy.
A taxonomic hierarchy of phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species.
It was not simply a question of age and hierarchy.
Executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy.
Let’s not worry about hierarchy in our contacts, for we’re just friends.


那个英语大神可以帮我翻译一下,谢谢了哈。 桂林这边风景优美,环境舒适...
of beautiful mountains and rivers. Guilin is a tourist attraction in Guangxi. I hope you can come, let us once again to spend an unforgettable time.桂林这边风景优美,环境舒适。桂林有很多好吃的美食,有很多美丽的山水。桂林是广西的旅游胜地。希望你们能来,让我们再一次度过难忘的时光。

很抱歉想再次和您确认一下,因为工厂告诉我这款盒子我们曾做过两种尺寸,一个是4.5cm 一次是5.8cm.所以我想确认一下,这25个盒子我们都要做成4.5cm 的吗?Sorry, I would like to confirm with you again. As the staff of our factory informs, we have made this style of box in two ...


英语大神们帮我把下面这些中文翻译为英文吧!急!!!谢谢 目前,全世界...
这个东西直接百度翻译其实就可以的 目前,全世界都有一个很大的难题,就是缺乏水资源,如果世界上没有水的话,人类就会从地球上消失,所以水是人类的生命。虽然地球上有很多的水,但是能饮用的水很少,在一些干旱的地方因为没有水来灌溉,很多植物都慢慢的死去。还有些地方的人们因为没有干净的水使用,...

It is said that in Medieval France Orlean, once in the celebration, the country girl Jusano wearing a mask as Maria, met a unicorn-like young man , and soon the two fell into love. But after seeing each other for many times, the young man still refused to take his mask ...

Hefei has a long history, since the Qin home county, has been 2200 years of history. The North Central Plains, south near the south of the Yangtze River, the calendar for the military and the military a hotly contested spot, have since ancient times "Jiangnan lips, Huai right ...

multiple composite city, destruction the urban-rural dual structure, reduction of the gap between urban and rural areas, security of the interests of farmers, persistance in sustainable development, rational use of resources, protection of the environment, and so on.手工翻译~欢迎追问!

就有点怪怪的了...明显背诵嘛,呵呵...so,这时,你可以说:so,umm...Did you like the climate here? 基本上这么个意思。帮我翻译个句子吧~很简单,谢谢哦 有长期扎根于美国历史 将下列句子翻译为英文,谢谢 1. I will talk to foreigners with the bold words are not worried there...

product range, including the interior systems, seating systems, closure systems, body and chassis systems, vision systems, electronic systems, plastic bodywork, exterior lighting systems, powertrain systems, roof systems and the engineering R&D and assembly of whole vehicles.【英语牛人团】...

Often heard people say that the Chinese dream, I think the Chinese dream is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I also have a dream, simple, stable life on the line. I will realize my dream through my own efforts. Rhododendron aureum ...