英语单词can怎么造句 英语单词如何造句

作者&投稿:悟饼 2024-09-19

I can play basketball very well. 我篮球打得很好。
Can I help you? 有什么需要我帮助的吗?
I can't speak English. 我不会说英语。

积累的英文: accumulate,
造句:So this is the fundamental equation that we can write that describes how neutrons in fact do accumulate.
相关短语:accumulate experience 获取经验 ,积累经验;accumulate 积累 , 积聚Accumulate density 堆积密度;accumulate error 累积误差;repeat accumulate 交织器是重复累积 , 重复累积 ;,似重复累积 ,本文借鉴重复累积;accumulate wisdom 智积accumulate wealth 积累财富 ;,积聚财富;Accumulate dose 总剂量;accumulate 积聚 ,堆积 ,蓄积 , 既可用于具体意义。

Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces...
Luckily, iron can be reworked and mistakes don't have to be thrown away...
Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself...
I can't give you details because I don't actually have any details...
long-term therapy that can last five years or more...
A vacant lot or a bombsite can, to the amateur naturalist, produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna...
You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance...
No-one can set up a waste disposal company unless they can show that they've got enough money and trained staff to do the job properly...

what can i do for you ?
i can sing
can you speak english?

can you help me?

I can dance.

I can dance


Can you come to my birthday party?can you go to swim?can I help you?can l go there with you?can you speak English?

can是什么意思 can怎么造句
1、can英;modal(表示有能力做或能够发生)能,会; (表示知道如何做)懂得; 与动词feel、hear、see、smell、taste 连用;n.(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐; 一听(的量); (装运液体用的)金属容器,塑料容器;v.把(食品)装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼。2、[例句]When can I get my test re...

I can piay the piano.我会弹钢琴。He can swim.他会游泳。She can't paint.她不会画画。It can eat.它会吃。Can you play the trumpet?你会吹喇叭吗?参考资料:自己写的

1.Can i come in?2.Can you tell me?3.Can you pass me the water?4.Can you tell me?祝你成功,不懂追问

can造句:否定句:I can't speak English.I can't see it.肯定句:I can eat this hamburger I can do this .一般疑问句:can I help you?can you bring some book for me?情态动词can的意义和用法 (1) 表示能力,意思为“能,会”。如:I can sing this song in English. 我能用英语...

1.I can carry both suitcases. Can you remember the war?2.The President can veto congressional bills.3.I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it.4.I wonder if my long lost neighbor can still be alive. Such things 5.can and do happen.6.One can hardly blame you for ...

I can speak English.You can write.He can ride a bike.She can dance.We can play football.They can make kites.

can是什么意思 can怎么造句
关于can如何造句:用于表达能力。例如:I can play the guitar. 我会弹吉他。用于请求或给予做某事的许可。例如:Can I go to the bathroom? 我可以去洗手间吗?用于表达可能性。例如:It can be difficult to learn a new language. 学习一门新语言可能很困难。can的解析如下:一、单词读音:英式...

can的三种用法 造句
1. Of course, this can be abused.当然了,这样还是可能会被滥用。2. Can you use ToolTips?是否可以采用工具提示呢?3. We pick up a can, and then use a can opener on it.比如,我们会先拿起一个罐头,然后使用开罐头的工具来开罐头。4. Toolbars and their controls...

i can写五个句孑
I can swim.我会游泳。I can drwa. 我会画画。I can sing.我会唱歌。I can make kites. 我会做购物。I can speak English.我会说英语。^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!