用can造句(否定句,肯定句,一般疑问句)各2句。 造can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句,和回答每个两句

作者&投稿:剑娜 2024-09-19

If you think you can, you can!
I think I can catch the bus.
I can draw animals in the zoo.
I can't afford it
I can't promise.
You can't talk to a robot.
The baby can't feed itself yet.
Can you jump so high like me ? Yes,I can./No,I can't
Can you hear what I can hear?Yes,I can./No,I can't
Can you get on well with kids?Yes,I can./No,I can't


肯定句:I can speak English.
否定句:I can't speak English.
一般疑问句:Can you speak English?
特殊疑问词:What can you speak?
肯定回答:Yes,I can.
否定回答:No,I can't.

I can't speak English.
I can't see it.
I can eat this hamburger
I can do this .
can I help you?
can you bring some book for me?
(1) 表示能力,意思为“能,会”。如:
I can sing this song in English. 我能用英语唱这首歌。
Can you tell me where the museum is? 你能告诉我博物馆在哪吗?
(2) 表示许可,意思是“可以”。如:
You can use my pen instead 你可以用我的笔。
Can I come in? 我可以进来吗?
(3) 表示推测,意为“可能,会”,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。如:
Can he be there too? 他也会在那儿吗?
He can’t have finished his work. 它不可能把工作做完了。
She can be very unpleasant. 她有时很令人讨厌。
Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。
(4) 表示惊讶,通常用于疑问句、否定句和惊叹句中。如:
Can this be your reason? 这难道就是你的理由?
How can you say it like that? 你怎么能那样说话呢?
注意:从理论上说,could是can的过去式,但在某些场合中,could可用来代替can,表示现在的情况,只是语气较can委婉,此时,若用could来提问题,回答时,应该用can,而不用 could。如:
Could you answer me a question? 请回答我一个问题好吗?
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 好。/ 不行。

I can't speak English.
I can't see it.
I can eat this hamburger
I can do this .
can I help you?
can you bring some book for me?

No, I can't.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.

Can I help you?


I can't see it.肯定句:I can eat this hamburger I can do this .一般疑问句:can I help you?can you bring some book for me?情态动词can的意义和用法 (1) 表示能力,意思为“能,会”。如:I can sing this song in English. 我能用英语唱这首歌。Can you tell me where the m...

1、肯定句:I can speak English.2、否定句:I can't speak English.3、一般疑问句:Can you speak English?4、特殊疑问词:What can you speak?5、can这个情态动词我们常见的有三种翻译,一个是能力,一个是允许,较后是要求。

5. They can help us. They can't help us. Can they help us?喜欢请采纳~

I can swim.I can sing.I can't dance.I can't ride a bike.Can you give me a book? Yes,I can.\/No,I can't.Can he take care of the baby?Yes,he can.\/No,he can't.

肯定句:I can speak English.否定句:I can't speak English.一般疑问句:Can you speak English?特殊疑问词:What can you speak?

用…can…,不同的主语,不同的动词造十个句子 帮帮忙
Monkey can swing .猴子会荡秋千。Tiger can run .老虎会跑。Her sister can sing .她的姐姐会唱歌。What can I do ?我能做什么?(需要不?)否定句:I cannot fly kites. 我不会放风筝。She cannot play computers games.她不会玩电脑游戏。He cannot ride a bike .他不会骑自行车。Hi...

初一英语 Can句型造句 (肯定句, 否定句,一般疑问句, 特殊问句) 一般疑问...
肯定句:i can do it 否定句:you can't eat the food 一般疑问:can you find me? yes i can. no i can't 特殊疑问:what can i do for you?You can,because you is a man.You can not eat it.Can I help you?Why I can`t eat it?

肯定句: No one can rival him in this respect Not everybody can do it.She can differentiate this kind of rose from the others.We can certify for his honesty.If you want to meet them,I can arrange it.否定: I can't help you with your homework.they can't come here ...

1、can用在肯定句中:主语+ can +动词原形,例句: I can play the guitar。译:我会弹吉他。can用在一般疑问句中: Can+主语+动词原形,肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。答:No,主语+can't。can用在否定句中:主语+ can't +动词原形,例句: She can't play the piano well.译 :她弹不好钢琴...

He can swim .He can't swim.Can he swim?Yes,he can .No,he can't.