仆の心の全てだよ " who can translate for me?thanks

作者&投稿:主父时 2024-09-19
who can translate this for me? many thanks!

Love is the world's purest and most warm. Love is limitless. Love is immortal. Everyone has the love and people will love and care to grow up. Relatives and friends will give us tremendous joy and laughter. There is an old saying : Love is - together, so wonderful. Yes, love is the radiance of the sun together, very beautiful, it is also time to brighten our future. Let us go forward, will never eliminate. In life, sometimes parents criticize us, this is our love. To our parents is good. Because we are parents treasure. We like tree trees that require pruning, watering and fertilizing can grow. In class, the teacher education, we often go to care for others and to care for others concerned about their equivalent. Love is the connecting link between people because only love spread everywhere, the better life will change. Love is perfect, it gives us a great deal of courage and confidence, so that we are full of confidence in the road of life unhindered. When a person needs care, the need to help others, give love when nobody paid attention to him, he, however painful. Even if your pockets of unimaginable wealth, successful careers, and have an angel's face, but is willing to help some people who need a little bit of care, courtesy, what is the point of such a person is alive. Even if you have true wealth, great accomplishments, Combining stunning good looks and theatricality of immense conviction, but you have to vote where they go to a strange vision to others, this vision is not admirable, commendable, but the old and obnoxious. Helping people be happy, seek no return, the world needs love, a love for people no longer feel that the world of indifference, and people do not feel lonely, and the common pursuit of the common expectations that the world is our hearts filled with love ideal world. Love, hidden in every corner of the world, whether or not you have to find it, find out it is not given to others. Everyone needs love, the world is full of love! Love is the "love" is the eternal, unchanging, the world forever. All the amazing moves have the power of love, all love to create, not love, nothing. Others have a mind, we can put itself for the benefit of others, love and dedication, the heart will be strengthened, noble character, love shine. Willing to pay social sincerity and love, is the greatest happiness, because happiness is always ready to sacrifice preference for those who love life and the innocent people. Therefore, love, we bond; Love, the world is no longer alone. I will let you extend a warm hand, the world is full of love, full of life, always true, good and beautiful flowers.




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