谁能帮我把这一段对话翻译成英文啊?谢谢各位了! A:你知道么,一会C要来咱们大学了? B:C是谁啊 谁能帮我把这段话翻译一下啊,不用翻译工具的!谢谢各位了!

作者&投稿:濯奔 2024-09-19
谁能帮我把这一段对话翻译成英文啊?谢谢各位了!用词典直接翻译的我不想要谢谢! A:你知道么,一会C

A: you know, coming to our university for A C?
B: C is who? Don't know!
A: you don't know him? He is our professional direct senior oh! Last year after graduation I have never seen him, he is said to have entered a television when the host!
B: wow, it seems that he is very severe ah!
A: yes, he is the top students in their class, not only the academic record is very good, and there are A lot of special features, such as playing the guitar, rollerblading he know everything!
B: then when he will come? I also want to look at him!
A: should immediately to the, ah, you see, he is coming!
C: have a nice weekend, the weather of today is very good!
A: senior, not see you change again A year!
C: haha overpraise!
B: senior hello, I'm A roommate, I heard that you after graduation to work in television.
C: yes, now I'm in if you are the one "when the host!
B: so what do you think of work? Hard work?
C: my work not easy, I think will be more tired, but I will still take the time to do you want to do!
A: what do you usually do after work?
C: I can see a movie with his girlfriend after work, or a man playing the guitar to a girlfriend!
B: it's too romantic, your girlfriend really good happy!
C: sometimes will also go to gym, because of long working hours tend to get fat, so I want to keep my good figure!
B: senior, what do you think of your job interesting?
C: of course interesting, in fact, when the host is my childhood dream!
A: congratulations on senior A dream come true!
B: actually, after work to go for a walk in the park is a good arrangement!
A: well yeah, every time when I was learning tension will go to the park for A walk, come back feel happy no longer anxious!
C: you these ideas are very good, but also want to remember, walking in the park should pay attention to safety!
B: thank you senior, these we will remember!
A: senior living arrangements too good! We want to graduate!
C: don't try so hard, after you graduate we feel free to contact!
AB: well good

1. What do you want to do? 2. Let's go shopping!. 3. I want to buy a toy. 4. Do you want to buy? 5. Can I help you? 6. Dress? 7. Let's go to the restaurant to eat dinner. 8. Let's go to the park fly a kite. 9. Let's go to the cinema. I don't want to buy fruit. 11. I'm not hungry. 12. Your father do? 13. My father is a driver. 14. The clerk in the stores. 15. The teacher in the school work. 16. The waiter at a hotel. 17. Where is the cashier?


A: you know, coming to our university for A C?
B: C is who? Don't know!
A: you don't know him? He is our professional direct senior oh! Last year after graduation I have never seen him, he is said to have entered a television when the host!
B: wow, it seems that he is very severe ah!
A: yes, he is the top students in their class, not only the academic record is very good, and there are A lot of special features, such as playing the guitar, rollerblading he know everything!
B: then when he will come? I also want to look at him!
A: should immediately to the, ah, you see, he is coming!
C: have a nice weekend, the weather of today is very good!
A: senior, not see you change again A year!
C: haha overpraise!
B: senior hello, I am A



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