Hi!Who can translate the lyrics:Nelly Furtado-<<all good things>>?Thanks! all good things歌词的中文翻译~!谢谢~!

作者&投稿:当涂农 2024-09-19
nelly furtado 的all good things 歌词!

It's getting so lonely inside this bed
Don't know if I should lick my wounds or say woe is me instead
And there's an aching inside my head
It's telling me I'm better off alone
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you will get some
They say that girl ya know she act too tough tough tough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
They say that girl you know she act so rough rough rough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
And I say follow me follow me follow me down down down down
till' you see all my dreams
Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems

I looked above the other day
Cuz I think I'm good and ready for a change
I live my life by the moon
If it's high play it low, if it's harvest go slow and if it's full, then go
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you're gonna get some

I'm searching for things that I just cannot see
Why don't you don't you don't you come and be with me
I pretend to be cool with me, want to believe
That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life
Where is the love that I'm looking to find
It's all in me, can't you see, I can see, why can't you see it's all in me


Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need
Follow me down, follow me down down down,
I do not need I do not need nobody
Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need

It's getting so lonely inside this bed
Don't know if I should lick my wounds or say woe is me instead
And there's an aching inside my head
It's telling me I'm better off alone
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you will get some
They say that girl ya know she act too tough tough tough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
They say that girl you know she act so rough rough rough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
And I say follow me follow me follow me down down down down
till' you see all my dreams
Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems

I looked above the other day
Cuz I think I'm good and ready for a change
I live my life by the moon
If it's high play it low, if it's harvest go slow and if it's full, then go
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you're gonna get some

I'm searching for things that I just cannot see
Why don't you don't you don't you come and be with me
I pretend to be cool with me, want to believe
That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life
Where is the love that I'm looking to find
It's all in me, can't you see, I can see, why can't you see it's all in me


Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need
Follow me down, follow me down down down,
I do not need I do not need nobody
Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need

歌手:nelly furtado
nelly furtado - all good things (come to an end)

honestly what will become of me
i don't like reality
it's way too clear to me
but really life is daily
we are what we don't see
we missed everything daydreaming

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
travelling i always stop at exits
wondering if i'll stay
young and restless
living this way i stress less
i want to pull away when the dream dies
the pain sets it and i don't cry
i only feel gravity and i wonder why

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
dogs were whistling a new tune
barking at the new moon
hoping it would come soon so that they could die
dogs were whistling a new tune
barking at the new moon
hoping it would come soon so that they could die

flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
flames to dust
lovers to friends
why do all good things come to an end
dogs were barking at the new moon
whistling a new tune
hoping it would come soon
and the sun was wondering
if it should stay away for a day
until the feeling went away
and the sky was falling
and the clouds were dropping
and the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
whistling a new tune
hoping it would come soon so that they could die


<<all good things>>所有的好事情
Honestly what will become of me 说真的, 我会成为什么
don't like reality 并不像现实
It's way too clear to me 对我来说太清楚
But really life is daily 可是真正的生活是日常
We are what we don't see 我们是我们所看不见的
Missed everything daydreaming 白日梦中丢失的一切
Traveling I only stop at exits 游历中的我只在出口停留
Wondering if I'll stay 怀疑我是否停留
Young and restless 年轻和不知休止
Living this way I stress less 这样的生活我压力更少
I want to pull away when the dream dies 当梦死去时我只想离去(Pull away翻译有待考证, 欢迎赐教)
The pain sets in and I don't cry 心中的疼痛我却不哭
I only feel gravity and I wonder why我只能感受到重力然后疑惑
Well the dogs were whistling a new tune 狗用新的声调汪汪叫
Barking at the new moon 对着新月叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could希望它能快来这样他们就可以了
Dogs were whistling a new tune 狗用新的声调汪汪叫
Barking at the new moon 对着新月叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could 希望它能快来这样他们就可以了

Die die die die die 死去了死去了死去了死去了
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon 狗对着新月叫
Whistling a new tune 用新的声调汪汪叫
Hoping it would come soon 希望它能快来
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 太阳也怀疑它是否能隐去一天
til the feeling went away直到那种感觉褪去
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and 天空掉在云朵上, 坠落
the rain forgot how to bring salvation雨滴忘了如何带来洗礼
the dogs were barking at the new moon 狗对着新月叫
Whistling a new tune 用一种新的声调汪汪叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.希望它能快点来, 这样狗狗们就可以死去了.


老实说,我会成什么样子不喜欢现实的途径太清楚,但我真的生活是我们每天什么都看不到错过只停留在白日行我怀疑我会留出入口年轻不安的生活,我这样讲那么我想,当梦死抠走疼痛集我只能哭,我不觉得好严重,我不知道为什么调子汪汪狗猎猎新希望它能在新月亮降临猎猎,使他们能有一个新的调子汪汪狗在月亮新希望它能很快使他们能模具模具模具模具模具好狗在汪汪 新月亮新声猎猎希望它早日降临,太阳不知应该留了一天,出门旅游的感觉胡麻天空下降,落在云下雨忘了如何把救恩狗汪汪在新的月球猎猎希望它早日降临新声,使他们能死.

all good things所有的好事情
Honestly what will become of me 说真的, 我会成为什么
don't like reality 并不像现实
It's way too clear to me 对我来说太清楚
But really life is daily 可是真正的生活是日常
We are what we don't see 我们是我们所看不见的
Missed everything daydreaming 白日梦中丢失的一切
Traveling I only stop at exits 游历中的我只在出口停留
Wondering if I'll stay 怀疑我是否停留
Young and restless 年轻和不知休止
Living this way I stress less 这样的生活我压力更少
I want to pull away when the dream dies 当梦死去时我只想离去(Pull away翻译有待考证, 欢迎赐教)
The pain sets in and I don't cry 心中的疼痛我却不哭
I only feel gravity and I wonder why我只能感受到重力然后疑惑
Well the dogs were whistling a new tune 狗用新的声调汪汪叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could希望它能快来这样他们就可以了
Dogs were whistling a new tune 狗用新的声调汪汪叫
Barking at the new moon 对着新月叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could 希望它能快来这样他们就可以了

Die die die die die 死去了死去了死去了死去了
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon 狗对着新月叫
Whistling a new tune 用新的声调汪汪叫
Hoping it would come soon 希望它能快来
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 太阳也怀疑它是否能隐去一天
til the feeling went away直到那种感觉褪去
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and 天空掉在云朵上, 坠落
the rain forgot how to bring salvation雨滴忘了如何带来洗礼
the dogs were barking at the new moon 狗对着新月叫
Whistling a new tune 用一种新的声调汪汪叫
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.希望它能快点来, 这样狗狗们就可以死去了.


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