Who can translate it who can translate it for me~~~

作者&投稿:杜堂 2024-09-19
女孩11 ,甚至厨房女佣,所以头几年ycars不得不放在别的地方,然后你甚至数额促进。


翻译成英文是Who can help me translate these into English?下图是翻译软件翻译截图

who can help me to translate contents among the pic ,send message...
who can help me to translate contents among the pic ,send message to me , i will give u red packet 谁能帮我翻译一下图片中的内容,给我发短信,我会给你红包的


But on a bad day, I'm trying to translate níubī. On the face of it, niubi is not untranslatable at all: the characters niu and bi can be rendered into English with great precision by the words – and I beg your pardon –‘cow pussy’, niu being the zoological reference, bi the ...

who can help me ?
1。emaciate vt.使衰弱,使消瘦,使憔悴[H]He was emaciated by long illness.他由于长期生病而瘦弱。2.perilously ad. 充满危险地,危机四伏地 vi. 消瘦下去 3.tenaciously ad.1. 坚持地;顽强地 2. 持久地;难以摆脱地 4、brim n.[C]1. (杯、碗等容器的)边,缘 2. 帽边 vt.注满...

translate作动词的意思: 翻译;转化;解释;被翻译translate的英语音标: 英 [tr_ns_leit] 美 [tr_ns_let, tr_nz-, _tr_ns_let, _tr_nz-]translate的时态: 现在分词: translating 过去式: translated 过去分词: translatedtranslate的英语例句: 1. It can translate data from maps or...

谁会翻译这个测试? 关于鳄鱼\\大象\\冰箱的.高分!
There’s a river ten metres wide. It is not deep, and there’s no bridge or boat. However, there’re a lot of crocodiles which can eat people. In what way can you across the river?答: Here are the answers:打开冰箱门,把它放进去,把冰箱门关上 Open the fridge door and...

...and stitch chopped strand mat who can help me to translate...
chopped strand mat 短切毡 stitch chopped strand mat 针毡 因此意思是:在短切毡以及针毡的力量下,或 生产短切毡以及针毡实力雄厚

我的同学和认为它是一首很老的歌曲,虽然它不是很流行,但是如果你在学校里唱它,好吧,它听起来像一首著名的歌曲。我的青春小鸟一样不回来是一个很优美的句子,尽管我对青,春,鸟,回 几个字不认识,但是多亏了谷歌,我可以翻译出来。当然谢谢你啦我学到了许多新东西!顺便提一下,我在中国的...

"物竞天择 适者生存"who can help me translate this sentence?_百度知 ...
物竞天择:natural selection 适者生存:1. survival of the fittest 2. the survival of the fittest