谁能帮我翻译一下这个英文句子?关键是告诉我“being young”怎么翻译? 谁能帮我翻译这句英文~~~? 求救

作者&投稿:之伯 2024-09-19

哈哈哈 你太幽默了:)我刚一看到还挺纳闷这也值10分??!



being yong 这里的意思是那一带人年轻时的所作所为,就是说他们年轻时候是怎么过的。

being young 应该是 年轻

being young 在年轻时 在这句中与of 构成介宾,相当于动名词组成的名词短语


as much as you can 你能做到的最多、最佳。from reading and listening 从读和听之中。and 是连接词,then 这里是然后的意思。try to do。。是试着做某事。put what you have learned into practice 定语从句做宾语。throuth speaking and writing 通过说和写。整句翻译下来意思是 尽你所能把通...

谁能帮我翻译一下这个英文句子?关键是告诉我“being young”怎么翻译...
being yong 这里的意思是那一带人年轻时的所作所为,就是说他们年轻时候是怎么过的。

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Please let me help you with the luggage 5.请稍等,我去推一辆行李车来。Wait a minute. I will get a luggage trolley 6.您要的房间恐怕还没完全准备好,您介意等一会吗?I am afraid the room you want isn't ready yet. Would you mind waiting for a while?7.你可以做电梯也可以走...


理解这句话的关键在于fairly 其解释:简明英汉词典 --- fairly [5fZEli]adv.公正地, 正当的, 公平对待某人, 公平地, 相当地, 还算, 清楚地 美国传统词典[双解]--- fairly fair.ly AHD:[far“l?]D.J.[6fW*rli8]K.K.[6fWrli]adv....

不能在走廊上奔跑,也不能迟到。1.What are the rules in the park?Don't leave rubbish behind and don't pick the flowers.2.What are the rules in the libraries?Don't speak loudly and don't smoke.3.What are the rules in public places?Don't speak loudly and don't run....

1.our bodies need a little fat and sugar.2. our bodies need plenty of\/ a lot of fruits and vegetables.3. i have a few more dollars than you. so i will pay for it instead of you.

The Washington Monument is 169 meters high, it took about $1187710 to bulid it .