谁帮我翻译一下这篇关于COSPLAY的文章,一定要语法正确! 大家能用英文帮我翻译一下这篇短文吗,最好不要百度直接翻译的,...

作者&投稿:屈怎 2024-07-02

Can you translate this article under the correct grammar?

In our daily life, we sometimes expose our defects without noticing it.
For instance, in the aspect of study, when i receive an excellent grade, I will be joyful for quite a long time. I constantly believe that payment of effort should receive rewards. But as a matter of fact, there are a lot more people that are better than me, and I definitely shouldn’t limit myself in my egotism. I must learn from those that behave better than me, and this is the method how I am going to progress.
In my life, I am a man who pursues details. And because of that, I would offend others if they have done something that I am not comfortable with. Maybe it is because I am the only child in my family, and my parents are so doting of me that my ego is growing bigger and bigger. Thus, I would always consider on myself regardless of what others are thinking, however, I don’t intend to hurt others emotion.
These are the epitome of my defects, and I do have space to improve. Of course, these disadvantages are not leading me to believe that I am a useless person, I also remain some advantages. I am a sanguine man and my favorite hobbies are reading and outdoor activities. Reading offers me assistance in doing everything, because the advantage of me loving reading, I can now receive more information about my neighborhood, and obtain what is currently going on in the society. I absolutely like outdoor activities because the sport makes me feel energetic, and this ameliorates my conditions to face challenges from both my study and life.
In my future study, I will command myself to study harder, learn from those who are better than me, and force myself to become more powerful and intelligent while keep progressing and mending my drawbacks. In my future life, I would learn to respect others, listen to others opinions and ideas while communicating well with other people. I also need to learn forgiveness not just for me but for others too, and comprehend other people’s thoughts. Meanwhile, I will keep strive for continuing to expand my goodness, and develop myself comprehensively.
I consistently believe that by improving myself step-by-step, I am able to gradually fix my shortcomings, and further exert the power of my fortes.

COSPLAY is the short form for "Costume Play", which means "role play" in Chinese. It refers to wearing the costumes of different characters in the comercial works to play the roles of them. Role playing was started in Japan. At the very begining, the members of some communities dressed up as the characters in the animations and vedio games to attract the animation fans to their stalls. However, it quickly led to an explosive trend, with a rapid growth in the number of people taking part in it, and was spread to Taiwan and main land of China later on. Role playing makes the characters, which were supposed to exist only in the virtual world, be able to appear in the real world, and makes us have the illusion of being in the world of animation, enjoying being the main characters in animations.


答:COSPLAY is the short form for "Costume Play", which means "role play" in Chinese. It refers to wearing the costumes of different characters in the comercial works to play the roles of them. Role playing was started in Japan. At the very begining, the members of some communit...

请大家帮忙翻译下面的文章中翻英 谢谢
答:我第一次接触服装设计是因为高中的时候开始玩cosplay. 因为没有现成的衣服,而且裁缝也很贵,所以我看图自己设计。从画设计图到制版到剪裁,每学习一种技能都令我对服装设计增加一丝兴趣。而且我在玩cosplay的过程中还学会了化妆,摄影,Photoshop,图中这套片子从设计到找面料到做出成衣到后期都是我做的...

答:比较认真地翻译了一下,希望对你有帮助 COSPLAY简介 Summary of COSPLAY 顾名思义,COSPLAY是英文CostumePlay的简略写法,其动词为COS,而玩COSPLAY的人则一般被称为COSPLAYER。从一般意义上来说的COSPLAY最早的中文译名是出自台湾,意思是指“角色扮演”。但因为这种译法与游戏中的RolePlayGame(RPG)同为角...

求关于cosplay的英文介绍 最好能中英对照 谢谢
答:Cosplay (コスプレ kosupure), short for "costume play", is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes andaccessories to represent a specific character or idea. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centred on role play. A broader use of the term "cos...


答:on their own not smooth and suffer all kinds of pressure and confusion. 此时能够抛开这些,COS出另一个自己,那是对自我精神压力上一种绝大的解放. At this time to cast aside these, COS out another themselves, it is a kind of self-stress on the great liberation.有原文 有翻译 ...

答:Cosplay是"角色扮演"(Costume Play)的缩写,是一种娱乐活动和表演形式,其中参与者模仿并装扮成来自漫画、动画、电影、电视游戏、小说等各种媒体作品中的虚构角色。Cosplayers通常会精心制作或购买与所选择角色相符的服装、道具和化妆,然后在相关的活动、漫展、聚会或社交媒体上展示他们的扮演技巧。Cosplay是...

答:从一般意义上来说的cosplay最早的中文译名是出自台湾,意思是指角色扮演。但因为这种译法与游戏中的role play game(rpg)同为角色扮演之意,所以为免雷同,笔者更倾向于另一种译法--服饰装扮。以现今的cosplay而言,其形式及内容一般是指利用服装、小饰品、道具以及化装来扮演acg(anime、comic、game)中...

答:Cosplay中文意思是角色扮演。Cosplay这个词源自日本,是英文“Costume Play”的缩写。具体解释如下:角色扮演的含义 Cosplay在中文中通常被翻译为“角色扮演”。这一活动通常涉及穿着特定的服装,这些服装代表了某种特定的角色、人物或者职业。Cosplay不仅仅是关于服装的穿着,还包括对角色的模仿和演绎,包括角色...
