
作者&投稿:其残 2024-09-19
请各位帮我翻译下这些英语单词的意思 在此谢过了

有礼貌的 外国的 生活方式 紧张的
决定 打扫 反馈 设计
气候 威胁恐吓 目标 交换
深度 房东 金属的 衣带
音乐会 几个 影响 组织

描述 标签 协会
智力的 折磨 支付得起
秘书 障碍 打断
包含 抱怨 视野
奋斗挣扎 人工的 教练
周围的 种类 拒绝
幸福 机构 关税
能力 登记表 研讨会
营养的 参考 调查
双语的 外星人 手册
日报 到期时间 申请
古老的 每年的
土著的 完成 宣称
可替代的 宣称 归类
互补的 有争议的
瞬间的 基础设施 土生土长的
悖论 永恒的 修饰
订购 堕落的 海外的
势不可挡的 植物学的


1.Black sheep 害群之马
2.black list 黑名单
3.black coffee 清咖啡
4.black tea 红茶
5.black sheep of the family 败家子
6.in black and white 白纸黑字
7.in the black 盈利
8.black and blue 青一块紫一块
9.black Friday 黑色星期五(不幸或倒霉的一天)
10.Blue Monday 蓝色星期一(郁闷/忧伤的一天)
11.blue film 色情片
12.blue blood 高贵血统
13.I'm in the blues today. 我今天情绪很低落。
14.Once in a blue moon 千载难逢
15.blue collar workers 蓝领工人
16.blue-sky market 露天市场
17. White lie 善意的谎言
18.white elephant 累赘,无用之物
19.white night 不眠夜,(夏季高纬度地区所见的)白夜
20.white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡
21.white collar workers 白领工人
22.white sale 大削价的床上用品
23.Brown sugar 红糖
24.Red ink 赤字
25.Green hand 新手
26.green-eyed 红眼,嫉妒
27.green house effect 温室效应
28.green-thumb 有特殊园艺才能
29. He is as green as grass.他还是个孩子。
as green as grass:幼稚的,浑然无知的
30.Yellow pages(电话簿的)黄页

9.黑色星期五 耶稣基督死在星期五
10.复活节后的星期一,〈学生俚语〉倒霉的星期一, (放假后的)开学第一天
11.烦闷的星期一 沮丧的时候
14.不可能的事 千载难逢
15.蓝领 从事体力劳动的人
17.无恶意的谎言 小谎
18.白象 无用而昂贵的东西
19.白夜 不眠之夜
21.白领 从事脑力劳动的人


1.Black sheep 害群之马 2.black list 黑名单 3.black coffee 清咖啡 4.black tea 红茶 5.black sheep of the family 败家子 6.in black and white 白纸黑字 7.in the black 盈利 8.black and blue 青一块紫一块 9.black Friday 黑色星期五(不幸或倒霉的一天)10.Blue Monday 蓝色星期...

1. coffee 2. plenty of 或:enough 3. earth 4. winner 5. environment 或:surrounding 6. perhaps 或:maybe 7. address 8. foreigner 或:foreign people 9. reason 10. mark 11. modern 12. plant 13. grass 14. visitor 15. improve 16. pick (up)17. duck 18. a small quantity...

do you do?I'm a reporter.你干什么工作?我是记者。what dou you want to be?I want to be an actor.你想干什么工作?我想当演员。what are you doing?I like elephants 你在干什么?我喜欢大象。what do you do?I 'm atching-watching TV 你是干什么的?我正在看电视how's the weath...

1. (表示可能) can; may You may well say so.你完全可以这么说。Can I borrow two books at a time?我可以一次借两本书吗?2. [口] (好; 不坏) passable; pretty good; not bad She has a passable knowledge of Japanese.她的日语(知识)还可以。

1。 fifty-nine million, six hundreds and seventy-eight thousands, two hundreds and fifty-five Yen 2. two hundreds and twenty-three million, nine hundreds and eighty-five thousands, four hundreds and thirty-nine Yen 3 The third time ...

32brush teeth 33. plus hot tea with honey 34. too many 35. 0n line 36. Take good care of 37. lay 38. check carefully 39. take some medincine 40.the accident happen 41 take the day off 42.after then 43.worry44. the best 45. a lot of (楼上貌似用机器翻译的)...

3. My leaving ahead of time is permiteed by my school.4. Because France has an equally excellent reputation in majors like economics and management as other developed countries.5. Tuition fees in France are lower than other developed countries.6. I love French culture. France, ...

1.What's wrong with you?\/What's the matter with you?2.How long have you been like this?3.Don't worry. Maybe you've got a bit cold.4.Take this medician three times a day, and you will be\/get well soon.1.I am studing in No.20 middle school.2.My classroom is on...

谁能帮我翻译一下抄手 刀削面这些词的英语?
饺子 Chinese dumpling 抄手 Wonton ,Ravioli 酸辣粉 Hot and Sour Rice Noodles 刀削面 Sliced noodles 面条 Noodle(s)你们一共要给810元 That makes total of eight hundred and ten yuan, thanks. (比较友好的表达方式)你们想吃点什么?What food do you want to try?May I help ...

谁能帮我翻译一下啊,英文啦。。。 谢啦
I want to sing. Praise of those great things. I sing motherly love. It is as warm as sunshine, such as refreshing as rain drenched. I sing father. It is as strong as the mountains, such as a heavy stone. I sing of friendship. It is a bright ray of light in the dark...