

答:E字头 - EC: 厄瓜多尔 (ECUADOR)- EE: 爱沙尼亚 (ESTONIA)- EG: 埃及 (EGYPT)- ES: 西班牙 (SPAIN)- ET: 埃塞俄比亚 (ETHIOPIA)F字头 - FI: 芬兰 (FINLAND)- FJ: 斐济 (FIJI)- FR: 法国 (FRANCE)G字头 - GA: 加蓬 (GABON)- GB: 英国 (UNITED KINGDOM)- GD: 格林纳达 (GRENADA)...

答:* 紫背闪羽蜂鸟(Aglaeactis aliciae) * 辉胸闪羽蜂鸟(Aglaeactis castelnaudii) * 闪羽蜂鸟(Aglae...* 长尾蜂鸟(Aglaiocercus kingi) * 白胸蜂鸟(Agyrtria brevirostris) * 白腹绿蜂鸟(Agyrtria candida...* 科苏梅尔翠蜂鸟(Chlorostilbon forficatus) * 波多翠蜂鸟(Chlorostilbon maugaeus) * 蓝尾翠...

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and the largest city...
答:小题1:D 推理题。根据第三段4,5行Since the 2001 the Greater London Urban Area has been the second largest in the EU after Paris说明巴黎第一,伦敦第二,故D正确。小题2:A 推理题。根据本句London currently has a wide range of peoples, cultures, and religions, and more than 300 ...

zany造句 zanyの例文 "zany"是什麼意思
答:Humour , fun , programming and good times abound at the headquarters of the zany cop -香港mac爱好者的组织。定期举办活动,介绍最新产品,进行信息交流。They threw their king kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic 他们在一片未思索的匆忙中,...

答:The People's Republic of China has been set up for 60 years.After the dark and defficult time, we become much stronger,richer.The quality our people's life has improved a lot.When we look back,we can see the poor and weak in the past years.Once none one in the world ...

答:The King of the Dark Chamber, 1914The Post Office, 1914Sadhana, 1914GHARE-BAIRE, 1916 - The Home and the World - Koti ja maailmaBALAK, 1916 - A Flight of SwansCHATURANGA, 1916 - transl.Fruit Gathering, 1916The Hungry Stones, 1916Stray Birds, 1916PERSONALITY, 1917 - PersoonallisuusThe ...

李宇春的eyes like yours 和zombie的歌词
答:SHAKIRA LYRICS "Eyes Like Yours"Oh, you know I have seen A sky without sun A man with no nation Saints, captive in chains A song with no name For lack of imagination Ya he...And I have seen Darker than ebony Ya he Ya he Ya la he And now it seems, that I Without ...

答:9 nine 奶19 nineteen 奶挺199 one hundred and ninety-nine 玩航决得俺的奶踢奶1999 one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine 玩骚怎的奶航决得俺的奶踢奶19999 奶踢骚怎的奶航决得俺的奶踢奶199999玩航决得俺的奶踢奶骚怎的奶航决得俺的奶踢奶9999999奶米列奶航决得俺的奶踢奶骚怎的...

The Kingdom (Revenge Of The O.C. Supertones Album Version) 歌词_百...
答:歌手:The O.C. Supertones 专辑:Revenge Of The O.C. Supertones Hard-Fi - The King BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul In this town, I used to be the king here,Now I don't mean a thing here, Where did it all go wrong?I look around, and no one knows my face here,I feel ...

答:AGE/AGE-OF-EP ASIAN2 Akeboshi Asparagus ANATAKIKOU アテナ&ロビケロッツ アヲイ アンダーグラ...Avengers In Sci-Fi [B]字母索引 BLACK VELVET BAND FOR SANKA BLANKEY JET CITY BREAKERZ バニラビ...[E]字母索引 Every Little Thing EXILE ET-KING エイジアエンジニア enie meenie EU PHORIA 二千...

余悦448: 拳王2002的""是什么汉字意思?
尹霍15869189196: 拳皇(the king of fight),也叫格斗之王,是日本开发的. 拳王2002(the king of fight 2002),中文意思就是2002年的格斗游戏.

余悦448: 拳皇(The King of Fighters) 2006 -
尹霍15869189196: 拳皇2006出招表: 日本队 草剃 京: 普通投 扒铁 近敌←/→+C 普通投 一刹背负投 近敌←/→+D 特殊技 外式 轰斧 阳 →+B 直接用为中段技 特殊技 外式 奈落落 空中↓+C 击中空中对手后对手倒地且不能受身 特殊技 八拾八式 ↘+D 下段技 必杀...

余悦448: 连续技The king of fighters. -
尹霍15869189196: 连续技: (敌版边){屈B→一拳(一段)→哭泣之拳}*4→屈B→一拳(一段)→强躲避拳→SC疯狂之拳 跳C→近C→冲刺拳→(追击)跳CD SETH/谢素 普通投 肘当乱拳波动打 近敌→/←+C 普通投 巴投 近敌→/←+D 特殊技 前扬踢 →+B 特殊技...

余悦448: KOF 是什么意思?
尹霍15869189196: 拳皇的英文减缩字母 KING OF FIGHTER