谁能帮我翻译一下这些英文短语 ? 万分感谢!! 谁能帮我翻译一下英文版名片 ,万分感谢!

作者&投稿:休翟 2024-09-19


Confucius is a famous ideologist and educator in China history. He was the founder of Confucianism, who was honored as “sage” in ancient times. His comments and life activities were recorded in a book called Analects. Analects is a classic work in ancient China literature, which has greatly impacted ideologists, litterateurs and politicians of successive dynasties in China. The traditional literature of thousands of years in China could never be truly understood by one if he didn’t study Analects. Many of Confucius thoughts, especially on education, had profound influence on Chinese society. Nowadays in the 21st century, Confucius theories are not only cherished by Chinese, but also by the overall international society more and more.

用...做某事make use of sth to do sth
把A和B相搭配 match A with B
乘长途火车 take long-distance train
超过 exceed/outnumber/outstrip/pass/surpass
花时间于(做)某事 spend time on doing sth
指的是 it means that
修建 build
提高某人的听力技巧 improve one’s listening skill
挣扎着生存下来strive to survive
上车 get on
从...出来be out of
由....制成be made up of
...是...的缩写be the abbreviation of
允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth
试着做某事 try to do sth
一项新的世界纪录 a new world record
A和B相似 A is similar to b
使不进入 make it not get in
与...交流 communicate with
从那时起 from then on
企图/试图做某事 attempt to do sth
查明/弄明白check out
应当 should be
在重量方面 in the aspect of weight
下降 decrease /descend /drop
聚精会神focus on sth
在...领域in the field of
• 输入指令结束/往计算机内输入结束一个程序的信息input the end order/input the information about ending a procedure
• 输入指令开始/往计算机内输入开始一个程序的信息input the start order/ input the information about starting a procedure

1 do sth by use sth to do sth 2 match A with B 3 take long-distance train 4 beyond over
5 take time in doing sth 6 refer to 7 build bring up make construction 8 improve listening skill 9 sruggle for life/living 10 take on/aboard 11take from sth 12 formed by 13A is B's abbreviation 14 allow doing/sb to do 15 try doing sth 16 a new world record 17A is similiar to B
18 reject stepping in 19 since then 20 attempt to do 21 make things clear 22be famous as
23 ought to 24 in the aspect of weigh 25 descent/go down/ plug 26 concentrate on 27 in realm of
28 end of the instruction of input 29 end of the instruction of output

Use STH. Do something

The A and B photograph collocation

Take long train

More than

Spend time in (doing) STH.

Refers to the


Improve one listening skills

Struggle to survive

Get on

From... out

From... made

... Is...... Is the abbreviation of

Allow sb. To do STH

Try to do STH

A new world record

A and B similar

Make not enter the

And... exchange

From then on

Try to do STH. To /

Find out/understand

As... And the famous/called...


In weight



In... field

The input end in a computer instruction/to input end a process information

Input instructions in a computer to start/begin a process of input information

Is this to cheat on homework or a test or something or a report? Cuz NOBODY will answer it!

use 。。。to do


clean up 打扫干净,整理 Clean up your bedroom.put off 扔掉,脱掉 Put off a sweater.脱下毛衣 .set up 设立 She Set up a school last year.think up 想 We must think up a good plan take after,在...之后 Take this medicine after meals。fit up 安装 Fit up a telephone in the ...

谁能帮我翻译一下这些英文短语 ? 万分感谢!!
乘长途火车 take long-distance train 超过 exceed\/outnumber\/outstrip\/pass\/surpass 花时间于(做)某事 spend time on doing sth 指的是 it means that 修建 build 提高某人的听力技巧 improve one’s listening skill 挣扎着生存下来strive to survive 上车 get on 从...出来be out of 由.....

谁帮我把这些英语短语翻译出来,谢谢了啊在线等,急急急。 要求:我翻译...
1. 当心做某事 2. 无法忍受做某事 3. 让谁做某事 4. 代替 5. 位某事做讨论 6. 期待发生 7. 出来 8. 在十九世纪三十年代 9. 例如、像。。。一样 10.准备做。。。11. 确保,保证。。。12. 开始的时候、结束的时候 13. 和。。。有关 14. 开始从事,拿起 15. 上表演,演唱课程 1. ...

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2. A penny 3. 6 pence 4. 3 pounds 75 pence 5. 1 U.S. dollar 25 cents 6. Four five-dollar bill 7. 3000 U.S. dollars in cash 8. Two thousand dollars in checks 9. 500 U.S. dollars in coins 10. A coin one point 11. A fifth of the coin 12. A great coin 13...

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1 I go to school by bus every day.或:I take a bus to school every day.2 Lucy washes clothes at home on weekends.3 My mother does breakfast for us every morning.4 I will do homework after dinner. (将,用一般将来时)5 When do you usually go to sleep at night?go ...

1.开花 2.植物群 3.雷拉 4.斯特拉 5.穆萨 6.TECNA 短语:1.露珠在在草地上舞动。2.棉花娃娃,你为什么没有业余爱好呢?3.极地*朋友,我想要一份可口的鱼。