
作者&投稿:底叶 2024-09-19


adopt / happen to meet/ assume/ supply..with../ at the bottom of/ catch on the train/ find sb. do sth by accident/ keep..stable/in common temperature/in right order/compare..with/select

每天洗澡 have bath every day
经常更换衣服 change ckothes often
不喝生水 don't drink water unboiled
不吃腐烂的食物 don't eat rotten food
经常打扫寝室 do dorm cleaning often
经常打扫教室的卫生 do classroom cleaning often

1.Take a bath every day
2.Often a change in clothing
3.Do not drink unboiled water
4.Do not eat rotten food
5.Regular cleaning of the bedroom
6.Regular cleaning of the classroom health

Take a bath every day
Often a change in clothing
Do not drink unboiled water
Do not eat rotten food
Regular cleaning of the bedroom
Regular cleaning of the classroom health

Shower daily
change clothes often
drink no unboiled water
eat no roten food
clean dome regularly
clean classroom regularly

Every day takes a bath to replace clothes not to drink unboiled water frequently not to eat rotten food to clean bedroom to clean the classroom frequently frequently hygienic


12.同传翻译完成后的5个工作日内 within 5 working days after finishing Simultaneous Interpretation assignment 13.设备安装调试时间 time for adjusting equipment 14.2011年12月4日下午 afternoon, 4 Dec 2011 15.译员服务时间 Simultaneous Interpretation period 16.每个工作日内的8小时 8 hours each...

谁能帮我翻译一下这些英文短语 ? 万分感谢!!
用...做某事make use of sth to do sth 把A和B相搭配 match A with B 乘长途火车 take long-distance train 超过 exceed\/outnumber\/outstrip\/pass\/surpass 花时间于(做)某事 spend time on doing sth 指的是 it means that 修建 build 提高某人的听力技巧 improve one’s listening skill...

4. 迫不及待要做某事 can't wait to do sth.5. 应当,应该 be supposed to do 6. 处理 deal\\cope\\do with 7. 负责,掌管 be in charge of 8. 熄灭 9. 对…严格,对…苛刻 be strict with 10. 在很多方面不一样 be different in many hands 11. 在字典中查找 look ...

翻译下面的短语。 1. 两瓶果汁___ 3. 在树下___ &...
1. two bottles of juice 2. come here 3. under the tree 4. open the window 5. 多少(钱)6. 多谢 7. 照顾 8. 穿上 9. 不客气. 10. 玩得开心.

tough policy 强硬政策 impose import (duties)强制征收进口(关税)surplus labour 过剩劳力 debt restruring 债务重组(Debt Restructuring)currency exchange system 货币兑换系统 foreign exchang earnings 外汇收入 primary products 农产品 in prospect 展望、可期待、在考虑中、有...希望 unfair trade 不...

帮我翻yi一下 词组,翻译成英文(急)
根据要求为你提供完全正确的词汇和短语,而不是将英式英语掺杂进去的。可以放心使用和学习:1.热线 hotline 2.下降 decline\/fall\/decrease 3.(美)垃圾 garbage 4.(美)走廊 lobby 5.(美)课间休息 break 6.对某人大方 be generous to sb.7.赞扬某人 praise sb.\/speak highly of sb.\/...

谁帮我把这些英语短语翻译出来,谢谢了啊在线等,急急急。 要求:我翻译...
1. 当心做某事 2. 无法忍受做某事 3. 让谁做某事 4. 代替 5. 位某事做讨论 6. 期待发生 7. 出来 8. 在十九世纪三十年代 9. 例如、像。。。一样 10.准备做。。。11. 确保,保证。。。12. 开始的时候、结束的时候 13. 和。。。有关 14. 开始从事,拿起 15. 上表演,演唱课程 1. ...

帮忙翻译一下几个短语 中译英~~!!
1. A penny 2. A penny 3. 6 pence 4. 3 pounds 75 pence 5. 1 U.S. dollar 25 cents 6. Four five-dollar bill 7. 3000 U.S. dollars in cash 8. Two thousand dollars in checks 9. 500 U.S. dollars in coins 10. A coin one point 11. A fifth of the coin 12. A ...

1、five lulers 2、Kate's cat 3、behind the door 4、Grade Six 5、像 6、在左边 7、in the dark 8、a girl with a hat

1.bushwalk=a walk in the bush 在灌木丛中步行 2.爬行动物公园入口 3.沿着海岸 4.我们安排了沿海岸线的几项旅游;up the coast是个固定词组 5.我喜欢假日之声,它提到了鲸鱼。sound 声音,这里the sound of the holiday 应当是电台和电视等的一个节目。6.我们带不了一客车的所有乘客。a coach...