麻烦会英语的帮忙翻译下 急 在线【急】【急】【急】

作者&投稿:展满 2024-09-28

没悬赏 太长了

Through the accounting and auditing professional talent market demand survey, accounting and auditing professional talent market for of high-level personnel demand is big, the enterprise accounting personnel recruitment when not pure value degree, pay more attention to the practical ability, whether accounting or auditing companies require specialized talents with comprehensive ability, the undergraduate course graduate with practical ability. Thus revelation: colleges should improve accounting and auditing professional talent training quality, perfect curriculum setting, in order to improve students' comprehensive quality of students, strengthen accounting professional ethics and practice to develop the ability of social supplies, with the market demand for accounting and auditing of professional talents




我们 不能分开 不能和睦相处
自相矛盾的话 。。



We all want to keep well。don't leave each other


Let's try to get along and never leave each other.



这些都是告诉你裤子长度的。inside leg是腿内侧,short\/regular\/long是长度。譬如说,对于6号裤子,inside leg short(cm) 是76,也就是说, 这种裤子的短款腿内侧的长度(分叉到裤脚的长度)是76厘米。(in)是以英寸计量的,你不用管。依此类推,inside leg regular就是这种裤子的普通款(中款)腿...

1、这是XXX柜的FORM-E,请确认后尽快回复 This is the FORM-E for the goods of XXX containers. Please confirm and reply ASAP.2、麻烦把XXX柜的FORM-E样榜发给我。Please send me the sample of FORM-E for the goods of XXX containers.3、哪个货柜要做FORM-E的,尽快把FORE-E的样榜...

你可以自己看呀 你这个是销往欧洲的,俗称欧水。真货。Information on IMEI *** (你输入的串号)Type Allocetion Holder: 手机的品牌 Mobile Equipment Type : 具体型号 GSM Implementation Phase:手机网络类型(如2G,2.*G或3G)IMEI Validity Assessment:串号有效性评价,如果是Verylikely,则...

What is nature?什么是自然?It's everything that exists in the world independently of people,它是世界上的一切存在独立的人,such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather.诸如此类植物和动物,地球和岩石,天气。Now more and more people are focusing on the nature.现在越来越...

英语高手帮忙翻译一下,在线等急急急 救命啊

需要帮助 麻烦会英语的朋友们帮我翻译这段文章~
Provice is a county-level city of yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture, jilin province. Strengthening rural cultural construction of longjing city and consolidate provice can promote economic development, promote social harmony. Rural culture construction is a huge role in the development of ...

麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下这个~~谢谢我很急 不要机器翻的!
I'm certain, I would change today 我可以肯定 我会在今天改变 I am certain, it will change our ways 我可以肯定 它会改变我们 Will things fall into place.. 当一切尘埃落定 In Flames 在焰光里 Come Clarity 愈加清晰 By Greednut Greednut作 Moon-heejun@163.com ...

B: Ann,Peaceful, minded I ask a personal question?A: No.B: Looked that, I said this you may not be angry, but, you use what color is the lipstick?A: Pink.B: Pink! Ya, you can accept little the small criticism? I said this please do not be angry, but, I thought...

一:In recent years tourism get the favour of people, probably because of the traffic convenience, now quite. Why!!People like to travel possible reasons can reduce stress is travel, angementation knowledge, might also be able to submit some friends. But if travel over still cannot...

我不能说百分百正确、但至少百分之80是正确的 Who are all inert, the longer sufficient, the more comfortable life, the more exposure to the inert nature of doubt. It was sober, not slaves to foreign objects, take the initiative for their own pressure, achievement. It was status ...