Kitty can see some cars on the road划线提问? kitty can hear the bus(the b...

作者&投稿:帛蓓 2024-06-28
Kitty can hear a ship.a ship划线提问

你的原句有问题吧,a ship表示一条船,那么谓语动词不能用hear(听到),可以说see(看到)
Kitty can see a ship.凯蒂能看到一条船。
如果对a ship提问的话,就是凯蒂能看到什么?即是:
What can Kitty see?

We can see some cars and some trucks on the road.

一,Kitty(凯蒂)can(可以)see(看见)some cars(一些轿车)on the road(在路上)。
二,如果划线提问Kitty,则问句是Who can see any cars on the road?
三,如果划线提问some cars,则问句是What (什么)can Kitty see on the road?
四,如果划线提问on the road,则问句是Where (哪儿)can Kitty see any cars?
