请帮我翻译一下下面的英语短语啊~今天下午就会给出最佳答案啦~ 请帮我翻译一下下面的短语和句子~谢谢

作者&投稿:衷绍 2024-09-19
请帮我翻译一下下面的英语 在线等答案 谢谢了

这是BERTRAND RUSSELL的文章How to grow old里的一段。


And I love you so 我也爱你
The people ask me how 人们问我怎样
How I've lived till now 怎样活到现在
I tell them I don't know 我说我也不知道
I guess they understand 我猜他们明白
How lonely life has been 过去的生活多么寂寞
But life began again 但是生活重新开始
The day you took my hand 就在你牵住我手的那一天
And yes I know how lonely(loveless)life van be 是的,我知道过去的生活多么寂寞
The shadows follow me 阴影伴随着我
And the night won't set me free 夜也不让我自由
But I don't let the evening get(bring)me down 但我不让黑夜使我沮丧
Now that you're around me 此刻你在我身边
And you love me too 你也爱我
Your thoughts are just for me 你的想法就是为了我
You set my sporot free 你给了我支撑的力量
I'm happy that you do 我很乐意你所做的
The book of life is brief 生命之书是信念
And once a page is read 一旦一页被读完
All but love is dead 除了爱什么都会死亡
That is my belief 这是我的信念
And yes I know how lonely(loveless)life van be是的,我知道过去的生活多么寂寞
The shadows follow me阴影伴随着我
And the night won't set me free夜也不让我自由
But I don't let the evening get(bring)me down但我不让黑夜使我沮丧
Now that you're around me此刻你在我身边
And I love you so 我也同样爱你
The people ask me how人们问我怎样
How I've lived till now怎样活到现在
I tell them I don't know我说我也不知道

be of+抽象名词 =be+该抽象名词的形容词,如is of importance=is important
be only able to 只能够
happen to sb 某人出了事
the gift to sb 送给某人的礼物
self-respect 自重,自尊
shuttle bus 有两个意思:一个是豪华轿车,一个是通勤车
the passive voice 语法中的被动语态
two sets of games 两组游戏
arise站立,出现,arose, arise的过去式arisen,arise的过去分词
be brought into 被带进
come to oneself 恢复知觉,苏醒
a flying chair 飞椅
almost at once 几乎立刻
be left in peace 使……处于平和中
be placed fat from the hide 来自于兽皮(hide)的脂肪,be placed 被放置,如果没有上下文,这句话不知道怎么翻译
come into being 出现,产生,形成,成立
know for sure 知道确切的情况
long before 很久以前
more recently 新近
speak for oneself 为自己辩护
take one's picture 给某人照相
tell A from B 从B中区别出A
the hanging box 悬挂着的盒子
based loosely on 不是严格地根据
be wide open 两个意思:一是开绿灯的,而是没有保护的
form a band 组建乐队
improve one's memory 增强某人的记忆力
play to passers-by 街头表演
with sb doing sth和某人做某事,也要看上下文的

be of+抽象名词 = be +抽象名词的形容词
be only able to 只能做
happen to sb 发生在某人身上
the gift to sb 给某人的礼物
self-respect 自尊
the passive voice 被动语态
two sets of games 两类游戏
arise 引起,引发
arose 激发
arisen arise的过去分词
be brought into 被带入……
come to oneself 想起……
almost at once 几乎立刻
be placed fat from the hide 无法躲藏
come into being 出现
know for sure 确认
long before 很久以前
more recently 更新的
speak for oneself 为某人自己说话
take one's picture 为某人拍照
tell A from B 区分A和B
the hanging box 悬挂着的盒子
based loosely on 松散地以……为基础
be wide open 大开着
form a band 成立一个乐队
improve one's memory 提高某人的记忆
play to passers-by 向路人表演
with sb doing sth 伴随状态,同时某人正在做某事


10个最高级的英语短语 帮帮忙啦~~~... 帮帮忙啦~~~ 展开 3个回答 #热议# 《请回答2021》瓜分百万奖金 辽北范德依彪 2007-10-23 · TA获得超过4.2万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:5265 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:2896万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. Absolutely not. 绝对...

17.请听我说 please listen to me 18.周日打篮球 play basketball on Sunday 19.放学后踢球 play football after school 20.早上读书 read in the morning 21.球类比赛 football match 22.比如,等等 such as 23.一年四次 four times a year 24.一月三次 three times a month 25.一周两次 ...

Under the table in On the dresser On the ground In the drawer A bunch of keys At the table is At table is On the sleep In the sleep Take these books to the classroom to get your Have water to get there Take these things to your sister My hat got here Take these things...

People who speak and write well are generally seen as educated and intelligent and give a good 演讲和写作能力好的人,被人们认为是受过良好教育的,并给人们留下好的印象 后两句翻译的不太好,呵呵 ,不好意思 沙发上的任快去找地缝吧,以后别在知道混了 ...

take a photo for me Can you take a photo with me?

谁帮翻译下几个英语短语 急!
想让某人做某事 Let sb. do sth.在...危险中 In trouble 或 In danger 年终考试 Year-End Test \/ Final Exam 使某人感到恶心 Make sb. feel disgusting 或 Make sb. sick 开阔学生的眼界 Broaden student's view 给他一个好的开端 Gives him a good start 他说他每周会给我打电话 He says...

用英语翻译一下 是短语
1 on the way to ...2 What does she look like?3 make a bad result

帮翻译几个短语 (英语的)}
真遗憾 what a pity 想要某人做某事 Want sb. To do sth 让请某人做某事 Let sb. To do sth 去购物 Go shopping,看电视节目Watching TV 我最好的朋友One of my best friends 你最下的歌手Your favorite singer 他的邻居His neighbors 她的笔友Her pen Pal 看电视电影 Watching TV film 上一...

4. And friends ... 6.在舞台 5.对某事感兴趣 5. On something of interest to 6. on the stage. 7. ... Have fun from 二,句子翻译:Second, sentence translation:1.老师鼓励我说英语。1. Teachers encouraged me to speak English.2.他喜欢和外国人交朋友。2. He likes to make...

1. He has made plans, set aside some money every month, next year's trip to Beijing.2. Exercise can greatly improve your health.3. To English dictionary on hand, when you can not accurately understand a word, you will be able to access it at any time.4. Please be sure ...