谁能把“谁能把这句话翻译成英文?”这句话翻译成英文? 谁能把“我等你”翻译成英文啊?

作者&投稿:玉曼 2024-09-19

I'm sorry my final score does not reach the school's requirements. But I have received the official admission notice from another university, so I request that you can send a release letter to me thank you!

Lee is calling, please? Yes, I am lee, I'd like to invite you and I together reading, ok, no problem, I'll be in the past, a meeting.

Who can translate this sentence into English?

Who can translate the sentence into English

你去谷歌 翻译

Who can translate the sentence into english

could somebody please translate this sentence into english?


或者 Who can translate this sentence into English?

Who can translate this sentence into English?楼主有蛮无聊啊,呵呵

其实可以换个说法就是“谁能用英语说这句话”,前几楼的人的是中式英语 who can speak the sentence in English?

翻译``` 谁能把这句话翻译成英文啊??(孤单享受黑夜)或者是(一个人享受...
Enjoy the night alone

谁能把这句名言帮我翻译成英文? 万分感谢。 托尔斯泰认为:“如果一个教...
托尔斯泰认为:“如果一个教师仅仅热爱教育,那么他只能是一个好教师„如果一个教师把热爱事业和热爱学生相结合,他就是一个完善的教师。Tolstoy said: "if a teacher only love of education, then he can be a good teacher. If a teacher to love and love students together, he is a ...

to go on this way too.I remember someone else said a word: cut off the rope no matter how then are still left knot. I think we must work hard to eliminate this knot out.We have to brave together, my dear.goodnight.Running along the coastline, looking for our island ...

额,你这叫一句话啊?下面可能有错的,不保证。Abstract With the increasing scale of power systems, power system rectifier, the impact of the nonlinear load is increasing. The existence of these non-linear loads, often resulting in power grid voltage distortion, voltage fluctuations, ...

There's no path you can't walk through, only people you can't see through.走不通和看不懂是中文中结构相似的两个短语,翻译成中文这个一定要体现出来,否则路和人之间的类比关系就会失去。

The story is simple:The open-minded and optimistic Italian young man GuiDo is a Jew.He came to Arrzzo Town and meet his girl Duora.After some times of encounters and hard works.He finally got married to Duora.Then they have their loved song which named Joshua.But happy time...

throughout the gallery of history, Chinese people have created glamorous culture.Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinses people and also represents the Chinese traditional culture