您能帮助我翻译一下短语吗? 谁能帮我翻译一下这短语。。?

作者&投稿:藏骅 2024-09-19

1 is it do some thing 2 it leaves to be reasonable some place 3, speak openly 4 appear at the scene to remember
5 is here ...End ( The end) 6 various 7 pairs ...With deep impression 8 expresses the emotion
9 children's folk rhymes 10 somebody having a word 12 run away, elope 13 diamond rings 11 glad
14 is used up ( Some thing) 15 lets somebody do some thing all the time It is tense that 16 does not need 17 from ...Composition
18 week after weeks 19 proposes the excuse 20 will most likely do some thing 21 possible ones 22 satisfies the demand
There is 23; 24 that somebody is own is sometimes, 25 notices 26 entering for 27 to test once in a while
28 encourage somebody do some thing reveal one 30 some day in the future, is it know 31 is it make some thing to plan to make
32 is staring at

允许进入 access permitted/ allow enter
尊敬 respect
take a day off 请假一天,休假一天
聚集 assemble, get together

bus tickets 公共汽车车票
my real hobby 我真正的爱好
the least space 最小的空间
tidy up 整理,弄整洁
take up 占据(时间、空间),从事(工作、职业)
be interested in 对……感兴趣
have a collection of dolls 收藏有许多玩具娃娃
make you so interested in music 使你对音乐如此感兴趣
bring you to China 带你到中国来
give an interview to sb 和某人进行一次面试、面谈
choose the best singer or musician 选出最好的歌手或音乐家
listen to him play the violin 听他弹小提琴
at the end of this term 期末
at Radio Bejing 在北京电台
all the time 一直
a bit untidy 不太干净
really famous 真的很著名
mountain biking 骑山地自行车
summer camp 夏令营
senior high school 高中
come out 出来,(花)开,出版
grow vegetables 种植蔬菜
look after animals 照看动物
make you grow as a person 使你成长(意义不确定)
develop your interests 培养你的兴趣
learn new skills 学习新的技能
bring him enjoyment and success 给他带来享受和成功
spend all our time on our favourite hobby 把所有的时间都花在我们的爱好上
spend some of my free time playing volleyball 利用空余时间打排球
ask sb.to do 要某人做某事
such as 例如
as a result 结果,因此
in life 在生活中
something new or different 新的或不同的东西
as well as 也,和,又
some …others…一些……另一些



能帮我翻译下这些吗 谢谢了~ 翻译成短语
scatter things often 这个写法有些奇怪,scatter当把东西散落在不同地方的意思 a little quick tempered 脾气有点火爆 highly persistent 坚持不懈 thoroughly cunning 十分狡猾 strongly defiant 公然挑衅的; 目中无人的 impetuous and silly 轻率鲁莽的 ...

谁能给我翻译一下“Sunshine For All”这个短语?

帮助的人:86.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 118个超级常用英语短语: 1.Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 2.Are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗? 3.Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? 4.As soon as possible. 尽快。 5.Believe me. 相信我。 6.Buy it . 买下来! 7.Call me tomorrow...

I. want. to. say "i am at. a loss."谁能帮我翻译一下?
我想说“我不知所措”。或 我想说“我很迷茫”。固定短语: be at a loss迷茫;不知所措 祝你开心如意!

帮我翻yi一下 词组,翻译成英文(急)
根据要求为你提供完全正确的词汇和短语,而不是将英式英语掺杂进去的。可以放心使用和学习:1.热线 hotline 2.下降 decline\/fall\/decrease 3.(美)垃圾 garbage 4.(美)走廊 lobby 5.(美)课间休息 break 6.对某人大方 be generous to sb.7.赞扬某人 praise sb.\/speak highly of sb.\/...

能帮我翻译一下这个句子吗?the one with the money got such a fright...
或frightening(主动态,吓人的)。这句话也可以用so... that...句型改写为:The one with the money got so frightened that he droped the bag.本句中the one是主语,one可以用来指代人,with the money是介词短语作后置定语,got是谓语,that引导的从句为程度状语从句,也称结果状语从句。

1.有些人的微笑,但有些人哭泣,使我放弃,有人说高,但有些人说再见一些可以忘记你,但我不想念你永远!2.有些人微笑但是有些人哭泣所以我放弃 有些人来了有些人走了有些人会忘记你但是我不会,我会永远想念你 3.有些人微笑,但有些人哭得那么我放弃,有人说,嗨,但有些人说再见,有些可以...

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

谁能帮我翻译下这10 个汉语短语,翻译成英文
8.If you have difficult in economy indeed ,you can apply to student loan.9.The books I bought this year are countless.10.Now we have known the meaning of the Internet:you can know everything happening in the world if only you click the mouse.英专学生翻译,保证质量~...

英文翻译 请将一下短语帮我翻译为英文
很像是快递公司或者物流公司的语言,翻译如下:(订单号为)-HKGLH26132的行李在香港已被收取, 我们的快递员将会电话通知您此行李到达中国广州的时间.此致!之所以翻译为'收取', 我猜可能是此行李是在香港由快递公司\/物流公司(上门?)收取的.