急求甄嬛传英文短剧剧本 急求!甄嬛传 五分钟小片段英文翻译

作者&投稿:包杰 2024-07-02

好彪悍,中国古装电视剧用英文演- -,这是怎样一种神奇的效果

Qi Fei beg forgiveness queen queen, took the opportunity to win support three the elder brother's power. Qi Fei but a handle, had to listen to the queen. Jin Xi feel this fraud, warned the Zhen Huan Ling Zhen Huan should pay attention to, but not to regard it as right.
The empress and Emperor Palace Royal blessing, China alone six palace, together. Zhen Huan is pregnant in the body, body discomfort, Hua princess that eunuch Zhou Ninghai to broken jade Xuan Zhen Huan Yi Kun Temple please to hear; Zhen Huan self-knowledge trip be fraught with grim possibilities, to avoid conflicts with the Chinese imperial concubine, the overall situation, had to go to.
Chinese imperial concubine Zhen Huan excuse pregnant spoiled and arrogant, under the hot sun to kneel on the ectopic reading his "Nvjie", eyebrow Zhuang Zhen Huan step forward bravely protection, punishment to kneel down; Ling false verbal pleading, speech more offended Chinese imperial concubine. You Bi aside very anxious, hurried to the palace and the queen mother was seriously ill, but cannot be seen, had to turn to the palace to see the Queen Mother fruit county king.
Under the scorching sun, Zhen Huan physical weaknesses faint in the ground; fruit by ignoring the taboo, trespass Yi Kun Zhen Huan Gong rescued. Chinese imperial concubine Zhen Huan found bloodstains kneel down, be startled at.
If the hold Zhen Huan back broken jade Xuan, hands full of blood, Zhen Huan like a mini signs. Su Peisheng rushed to the Tiantan told the emperor Zhen Huan.


  What a pretentious wretch.

  Bitches gonna bitch.

  That bitch!



  'Tis truly the best of the best.

  It's sooooooo awesome.


  (各种虚拟语气xxx), 'tis excellent I should say.

  If xxx, well then, great.


  One man may lead a horse to the water,

  but twenty cannot make him drink:how naive of me, that in such I had believed.

  Dafuq? You can’t make me/her/them/etc.!


  Huan'r simply proposes, and god disposes.

  I've done my best, so what the hell.


Chapter 3 revenge on senior concubine HUA

ANN:Blessed lord full of holiness,my empress. Empress : why are you here? ANN:Please help me!my empress ! Empress :For what?
ANN:I was scared by senior concubine HUA an I was frightened that she would kill me someday.
Empress :What are you talking about? We are all sisters!
ANN:Senior concubine HUA is really a witch, I’m willing to do all the thing to root her out.
Empress : Which way can I do to help you good girl?
ANN:Thank you a lot my empress! I my trouble is……the emperor, he has never touched me,And he seems forget me. Empress :I cannot help you but yourself. ANN: please point out the right way!Please! Empress :What can you do? ANN: I can sing.
Empress : Well, that’s really a happy news. This pill can make your voice nicer and sweeter. Come, take it down.
(on another side ZHEN and WEN sit together)
WEN:I’m so so sorry,sister HUAN, I didn’t know HUA springe to you ,she cheated me that you want to meet me!
ZHEN: Stop to mention that, I don’t want to meet you at all.

WEN:Don’t pretended to being a heartless woman! You know I love so! Now come and escape with me!(leading ZHEN’s hand)
(ANN goes though the hall and catches their conversations ) (coming the emperor!)
ZHEN/ WEN: Blessed lord full of holiness,your Majesty. Emperor : (to Wen) So here you are.
WEN: I came here to Congratulate you, your Majesty. Emperor : Me? What’s that?
WEN: Primary concubine ZHEN gets the family way. (ZHEN is shocked)
(music begin ,and ANN singing the song coming in)
ANN: Blessed lord full of holiness,your Majesty.(turns to ZHEN)sister,best wishes to you.
Emperor :Your voice is so sweet and I almost get drunk. How fool am I that I ignored you last several months.
ANN: It should own to sister’s good luck, her good fortune brings me good voice.
Emperor :your words are as sweet as your songs.HUANHAUN, what about provide your statue to the junior concubine for your pregnant a son for me, at the same time turn ANN form the inferior concubine to the primary concubine?
ZHEN : Anything you say is correct,my majesty.

Emperor :well, It’s time to go back to my palace to to scan the documents.ANN, tonight wait for me in your house. (ten mouth late and ZHEN gave birth to a baby boy)
ANN: I heart that imperial physician WEN loves ZHEN and asked her escape together. Empress :really ? ANN: Absolutely.
Empress : Better to let Senior concubine HUA knows this good news. And my slavers would send this message to her.
(emperor sit with ZHEN they are happy , HUA comes in)
HUA:Blessed lord full of holiness,your Majesty. And so to you,my dear sister. Emperor :take your seat,HUA,are you coming to great my son? HUA:yes but, I have another news to greet you actually,your majesty. Emperor:What?
HUA:This bastard is not your son,your majesty. Emperor :So whose son he is in your tiny view?
HUA: He is son of bitch,son of a snotty imperial physician .I heart that they are childhood Sweetheart and, that snotty man imagined to escape with this succuba.
ZHEN: I wonder how you got those gossip.please clean hands for me,your majesty.
Emperor :I will, if you are guiltless. Slaver,call empress. Empress and ANN:Blessed lord full of holiness,your Majesty.

Empress : I have heart the gossip,my king.and in my view, the blood test is the only way to prove ZHEN’s clean hands.
ZHEN: you can’t hurt my baby! Your majesty! Let them stop this stupid thought,he is your lineal son!
Empress : Don’t be so scared,ZHEN, just a little blood.
ANN: so it is,my sister,moreover, I saw that man toughed your hand and poured out to you, I think I cannot promise you are sinless. ZHEN: Your majesty! You are trying to hurt your own son! Emperor : I will doubt everything till the truth is out .
ANN :Here I take a bowl of water can text the relationship between two people. Take some blood from each of them, and make the blood drop into the bowl, if two drop of blood mix together, means they are related, Empress :Ask for imperial physician.(he comes in) WEN:Blessed lord...... HUA:kneel down! (blood mixed together)
Emperor :. I was so disappointed by your disloyalty! ZHEN : It’s impossible.....impossible..... Emperor :watch it by yourself! (few second later)
ZHEN: there is something wrong with this water! (pull WEN up)
WEN:(after text ) your majesty,someone poisoned the wanter! Adding alums make the water mix every kinds of blood together! (ZHEN take ANN’s blood into it and blood mixed)
ZHEN: your majesty, someone want to poison me and your son! Did I do something or are you just playing I was wrong? I’m all for you,my majesty! Emperor :I wish I’m not too old to forget what you two have said......... HUA: I had been set up by you! What do you want?(tear at ANN)
Emperor :carry this witch off !I do’t want to see her again! And you, noisy jays, go to cold palace and spend your rest life!



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