谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文哈,谢啦 中秋节吃南瓜的传统源于生活在长江以南的穷人中。传说很 坚守真我,谁能帮我翻译成英文

作者&投稿:翠卖 2024-09-19


Although we live in a peaceful age, but in other parts of the world there are still some children worried about their lives

The Mid-Autumn festival to eat the traditional pumpkin stems from a life in the south of the Yangtze river's poor. Legend long, long ago, there was a girl, named huang hua, she comes from a very poor family, live with sick parents, they can not eating, dressing themselves. One year lunar calendar in August 15, her back to two pumpkin to do eat for parents, the parents after eating pumpkin was cured. This tradition has continued, people still believe the Mid-Autumn festival to eat pumpkin is good for health. Ningxia hui autonomous region is the only provincial level, is located in the period of the central position of the domestic new asian-european land bridge has linking the west and connecting the south of the north geographic features, energy, agriculture, tourism and other obvious advantages, rich in natural resources, coal has proven reserves of the sixth country, per capita coal third, output per capita national first, medlar and products, wine, halal beef and mutton, cashmere and other special advantage agricultural products enjoys a good reputation both inside and outside, is the important energy chemical industry base of China and the western unique tourist destination.

The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival to eat pumpkin stem from poor people living in the South of the Yangtze River.Legend has it a long, long time ago, there was a girl named Huang Hua, she came from a very poor family, living with sick parents, they can't feed themselves, dress.Lunar August 15 a year, her two pumpkins made for parents, parents will cure after eating pumpkins.This tradition has continued to come down, people still believe that the Mid-Autumn Festival to eat pumpkin is good for health.
Ningxia is national only of provincial Hui autonomous region, is located in new Asia Europe land bridge domestic paragraph of central location, has bearing Jian, and Alliance South received North of location features, energy, and agricultural, and tourism, advantage obviously, resources rich, coal proved reserves national VI, per capita coal third, per capita electricity national first, medlar and the products, and wine, and halal beef and mutton, and cashmere, features advantage agricultural reputation both inside and outside, is national important of energy chemical base and West unique of tourism destinations.


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