英语翻译 《天空之城》内容与简介~感谢!急~ 用英语介绍一下宫崎骏动画里的《天空之城》里的主要人物

作者&投稿:祝琦 2024-06-30

天空之城的英文:City of sky
一、city 读法 英 ['sɪtɪ] 美 ['sɪti]
2、作形容词的意思是: 城市的;都会的
1、guatemala city 瓜地马拉市 ; 危地马拉城 ; 危地马拉市
2、Dujiangyan City 都江堰市
3、City Telecom 城市电讯 ; 香港城市电讯公司
4、closed city 保密行政区
5、Millennium City 创纪之城 ; 千年城

city, town这两个词的共同意思是“城市”或“城镇”。辨析如下:
1、city一般指规模较大或较重要的城市; town则一般指比city规模较小的城镇。例如:
The big city bewildered the old woman from the countryside.大城市把乡下来的老奶奶弄糊涂了。
The old couple will attempt to leave the town as soon as possible.这对老夫妇想要尽快离开这个小城。
2、city在美国比在英国更常用,大小相当于英国的town的市镇在美国都可以叫做 city ; 而town则在英国比在美国更常用,一个在美国可以称之为city的都市,在英国仍可叫做town。
The whole town knew of it.全城(居民)都知道这件事。

Laputa:Castle in the Sky




宫崎骏(宫崎骏,Miyazaki Hayao)是日本著名动画片导演,1941年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。《天空之城》是吉卜力工作室的开山之作,也是宫崎骏的集大成之作。宫崎骏一人兼任了原作、监督、脚本和角色设定四项重任,使得这部作品从头到尾注入了纯粹的宫崎理念。宫崎骏的音乐搭档久石让,这次达到了他配乐生涯的顶峰。
In 1985, Studio Ghibli was founded began making his "Castle in the Sky." Against the backdrop of the industrial revolution of the 19 in the world in Europe, pure and lovely little girl I Tower (sheeta) in the good and brave little boy paso (pazu) accompanied by Next, find their lost homeland, on the road at the end of Sky City, and finally to understand both technological progress and human development, how people are unable to leave the land. The theme of man and nature in this further embodiment, while the great city floating in the air, the final destruction of Laputa, seems to caution the world: in the machinery and steel of the century, in fact the face of uncertain future.

1986 release of "Sky City" is the mountain of GHIBLI make, Hayao Miyazaki, who is also one of the original, supervision, set up four task scripts and roles to make this work from beginning to end into the pure concept of Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki's music partner, Joe Hisaishi, this has reached the pinnacle of his career in music.


Hayao Miyazaki (Hayao Miyazaki, Miyazaki Hayao) is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. Hayao Miyazaki in the global animation industry has an irreplaceable status, Disney's called "Akira Kurosawa animation sector," even more award-winning. "Sky City" is a Studio Ghibli for the mountain's also a comprehensive expression of the Hayao Miyazaki to make. Hayao Miyazaki one of the original act, supervision, set up four task scripts and roles to make this work from start to finish into the pure concept of Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki's music partner, Joe Hisaishi, this time to reach the pinnacle of his career in music.

Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki in 1985, Studio Ghibli hkwpea begin making a “. ” in the sky is the background of the industrial revolution in Europe, the 19th World 《hard simplehearted of the little girl I Tower (sheeta) good brave young boy paypaso (pazu) accompanied, find their lost homeland, in the end of the journey in the sky, have no matter how advances in technology and human development, people are unable to leave the land. The theme of man and nature in this further realize the float, and a great city la kupta final destruction, seem to be common for the world: in the machinery and steel of the century, is in fact in the balance of the future.

The 1986 film "is the origin of the GHIBLI, Hayao Miyazaki a both an original work, supervision, scripts, and storyexplores parametesr, makes the work from beginning to end zhanxian pure Miyazaki. Miyazaki's music partner Joe HISAISHI, this time as the pinnacle of his career as a musical scores.

Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki (,) is a Japanese animation Director, 1941 was born in Tokyo on 5 January. Miyazaki's animation in the world with its status as an irreplaceable as “ Disney Animation of Akira Kurosawa ”, but also an award-winning. The "is the origin of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki is the epitome of. Miyazaki's one person who is concurrently a reproduces, supervision, scripts, and storyexplores parametesr, makes it possible for manuscript helistened zhanxian pure Miyazaki. Miyazaki's music partner Joe HISAISHI, this time reached the pinnacle of his career as a musical scores.
