谁能把这句翻译成英语?那您的英语水平就是高手高手高高手了!! 谁能把这段话翻译成英文!翻译软件翻译的没用!英语高手帮下忙谢...

作者&投稿:于融 2024-09-19

I am highly proficient in English, I have been the English broadcaster and editor of my school's radio channel for 4 years. I also excel at Chinese writings skills, and have excellent English communication skills as well. I can use softwares such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I studied accounting and economics, and I am very knowledgeable in these areas. I have worked in a corporation as a specialist (对不起,不知道企业文化专员怎么翻), and developed the necessary leadership skills. I have work experiences in Tibet, 4500m above sea level, my diligence, responsibility, and excellent work habits will suit any working conditions.
希望你能满意 :)


Next, it's the time to witness the miracle!

The emperor dies says collapses, the feudal lord says dies, doctor said dies, the gentleman said the wealth, the common people does not say dies.

The emperor dies says collapses, the feudal lord says dies, doctor said dies, the gentleman said the wealth, the common people does not say dies.

One death collapses, governors Hong yue yue, doctor yue, and Paul, civilian yue yue not die



No flying from the fate.[谚]劫数难逃。有没有好一些?我的意见是life fate and death doom 满意,请采纳

What time does the museum open?

...我英语不好 谁能帮我把这两句话用英语翻译出来
我英语不好,我来这里就是为了学习。My English is not good, I come here is to study.你说的我听不懂 ,我英语不好 You said I do not understand because my English is not good.

这是我的全家照片 This is my family photo 我爸爸五十多岁了 My father is more than fifty years old 我弟弟穿着一件红色T恤 My brother is wearing a red T-shirt 王老师的课堂总是有趣又活泼 Teacher Wang's class is always interesting and lively.我梦想成为一名医生 My dream is to ...

Is this what you want?这是对的,楼下不是疑问句,而你提出的是疑问句。

我是英语专业的学生,帮一下你这个小弟吧!你可以说zero point five,或者O point five,不是0哦。其实,最简单的就是point five,英美人很好会说前面的数字的,尤其是这样,前面是零的!

2、请问哪有香烟卖?Do you know where I can buy some( cigarettes)?3、我想买一包\/两包\/五包香烟。I would like one pack\/ two packs\/ five packs of cigarettes.Please give me one pack...留意的是 店员还会问你要那牌子(brand)的香烟 当问到时 就说出牌子名称 後要加个 please便可以 ...

I am sincere to all my friends.

The hero who is not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge the spirit we should learn"、、、望采纳

“为了考高中而努力学习” 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英语
In order to enter the high school,I must study hard.祝楼主更上一层楼