
作者&投稿:孔维 2024-09-19

1.我在家里养了一条宠物狗 I have a pet dog in my house.
2.这食物对他很有帮助 This food is good for him. / This food is helpful to him.
3.在英语方面他从不帮助我 He never helps me in English.
4.你说汉语还是英语 Do you speak Chinese or English?
5.有时候我去看望我的父母 I go visit my parents sometimes.
6.你在家中有一些宠物吗 Do you have some pets in your house?
7.他在班级里没有一些朋友 He does not have much friends in the class.
8.在信中说了什么 What does the letter say? / What is in the letter?
9.我不是很喜欢英语 I don't like English very much.
10.她非常喜欢语文 She likes linguistics very much.
11.你有一点喜欢宠物 You do like pet a little.
12.他是个高瘦脸的男孩 He is a tall boy with a thin face boy.
13.他是一个学生还是一个老师 Is he a student or a teacher?
14.这茄克是你的还是他的 Is this jacket belongs to you or him?
15.他是我的一个朋友 He is one of my friends.
16.来块面包如何 How about a piece of bread? / Do you want a piece of bread?
17.只要一杯咖啡 A cup of coffee will do.
18.为什么不出去吃呢 Why don't we have the meal outside?
19.给我一些苹果汁 Give me some apple juice.
20.你觉得那些饺子如何 How do you think the dumplings are?
21.他要来点什么 What does he want? / What doeshe like to have?
22.我要一些吃的东西 I want some food.
23.我想要一些鸡肉 I would like to have some chicken.
24.你喜欢这些面条吗 DO you like these noodles?
25.他对我们很友好He treats us very well.

The rigid spirit, never gives up

in order to obtain a nut, it ever does not give up, no matter this nut is the depth cliff or falls to in the rapids sea, it all marched forward courageously, acts boldly regardless of one's safety

the small squirrel closely to grasp the nut

independent learning capability
independent viability
human communication ability

maintenance health life style and the optimistic life manner, handle kindlied oneself, respected other people,
will throughout fill the intellectual curiosity and the self-confidence to the future.

Lifelong study custom, maintenance independent thinking spirit,

在火焰和灰烬中重生的鸟 简单即 在火中重生的鸟







按照这样的一种方法(in such a way),是以一种无可摧毁的方法(as to be invulunerable),用以反驳,反证(to disproof)。由于没有上下文语境带动,所以这里我想了很久都没有一个很好的译文,尤其是对disproof,不知道该如何翻译...试着翻译一下“他们其中的很多建造的极其严密用以反证”...

最后但同样重要的一点,尚且不论其他,这种乐于讨论并接受别人的观点的特质让他以批判的眼光来审视自己,不断学习成长。这里的短语Finally, but not in the least经常见到,“最后,但不是不重要的是”翻译方法很多。经常用在列举的最后,比如,firstly,secondly,finally, but not in the least.用于表示...

Hello! I am ChenJie. This weekend I and students to go to Beijing by plane. We sit subway to the Great Wall, then took a bus to the zoo, finally we ride to go to the park. This is an interesting weekend!

1. Cycling Road should follow the right bike.2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or flyovers, underground channels); event of a red light stop, see the green light before the trip.3. Should take after the bus, not to vie with each other, not Bicheng bit ...

They took up position at the beginning.他们一开始就占据了阵地。重点词汇:took v. 拿;取;接受(take的过去式)(1)相关短语:took place 发生;进行 took up 拿起 (2)双语例句:He took his feet off the desk.他把双脚从书桌上移开。take的用法:作动词 take可用作及物动词,也可用作...

back to peakedness 应该是这样吧~~~

谁能帮我翻译一下这句话的成分 He was reading words to the class 谢...

问几个短语 请帮我用英文翻译过来 谢谢!
1.罩个罩子! cover a mantle 2.我不是法的! I am not belong to law.3.让你有来无回!Let you come and without going.

1. He has made plans, set aside some money every month, next year's trip to Beijing.2. Exercise can greatly improve your health.3. To English dictionary on hand, when you can not accurately understand a word, you will be able to access it at any time.4. Please be sure ...

好听的英文说说心情短语带翻译 有哪些好听的英文说说心情短语带翻译
1、You can cry,But you can not lose.你可以哭,但你不能输。2、Always said after the later, to the later, we have no later.老是说着以后以后,到了那个以后,我们都没了以后。3、Dont take my secret for you and others.别拿我的秘密换取你和别人的交情。4、Not what I miss, ...