谁能帮我翻译一下啊! 谁能帮我翻译一下呀?

作者&投稿:贰闵 2024-09-19

Have you ever had an internship before?

Where did you have your internship?

What did you do for the internship?

1. How do you feel about the internship?
2. Was the internship a good experience?

Do you have any hobby? Please tell us briefly if you do.

What kind of personality do you have? How would you describe your personality?

What is your favorite subject, and why?

Would you please tell us your career goals?

你以前实习过么? Have you ever had some practise?
你在哪里实习的? Where did you have the practise?
实习期间你做过什么工作? What other job had you done during the practise.
你有什么实习体会? What is your experience from the practise?

你有什么爱好?简单的介绍一下。 What's your hobby? Would you please make a simple introduction?
你属于那种性格的人?你觉得你的性格怎么样? What kind of person do you think you are? What do you think about yourself?
你喜欢什么科目?为什么?What's your favourate subjects? Why?
简述一下你的发展目标是什么? Please intreoduce your goals in the future.


1、姚明是我最喜欢的一个篮球明星,他有着2.29的身高,而且他还是我们吴江盛泽的,我喜欢他因为他打篮球打的非常好,他的那个篮下勾手是我非常羡慕的,2002年6月以状元身份加盟美国休斯敦火箭队,是NBA历史上第一位外籍状元秀 。而且他还是2002年度感动中国十大人物之一。其中姚明说的“努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败!”这句话是我最喜欢的人生格言。
Yao Ming is my favorite basketball star. he is 2.29 meters high and also comes from shengze in wujiang. i like him because he plays basketball very well, and i admire his hook shot. he is also one of the ten persons who moved all Chinese people in 2002. he once said "you may not success after trying, but will definitely lose if you give up." which is also my favorite motto.
every one has his dreams. i dream of being a photographer, as i like travelling. i love seeing the famous mountains of our country, and its beautiful scenary, and i wish i could take photos of what i see as a keepsake. although this appears to be not possible, i will try my best to realize it.
i took a parttime job last summer, from which i gained lots of precious experience. for example, you could communicate more with your boss or workmates about your work, to make progress together, and thus you could also make many friends. and i knew the most important thing in work was efficiency, which determined whether you were a zealous person or not, and how your salary would be.
to be successful in your interview, you must do the followings.
1. be aware of your body language.
2. analyze the needs of your employer, and show him your value and capability to fit in.
3. be assured that your have related skills and know your advantages well.
4. show your capability of being hard working and pursueing team goal.
5. do your best to sell your advantages,which is very important, including your skill certification, general ability and advantagous personality.

是翻译成英语吗?1, Yao Ming is one of my favorite basketball star, he has a 2.29 height, and he was our Shengze, I like him because he played very good basketball, and his hook is that I am very envious of the basket , and in June 2002 to join the United States as champion Houston Rockets, NBA history is a foreign draft pick. And in 2002 he moved to one of China\u0026#39;s top ten figures. Yao said one of the \u0026quot;efforts may not succeed, but failed to give up some!\u0026quot; This sentence is my favorite life motto.
2, everyone has dreams. My dream is to be a photographer, because I like travel, like to see China\u0026#39;s famous mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and I want to take pictures of their landscape to see, as a souvenir, though does not look real , but I will do my best to achieve it.
3, last summer, I did a part-time, from this work I received a lot of valuable experience. For example, in your work, you can more or workers and your boss to discuss the exchange, with the progress, so you can make lots of friends, at work, I know that the most important point is that the pursuit of efficiency, speed determines the efficiency of whether you are an enterprising people, but also determines how much of your wages.
4, in the interview if you want to succeed, then you must do the following. 1, pay attention to your own body language. 2, clearly the needs of employers, and to show the value of the company, show your ability to adapt to the environment. 3, make sure you have the appropriate skills, know your strengths. 4, showing the hard work you pursue group goals. 5, will sell out all your strengths, marketing yourself is very important, including your technical qualifications, general ability and character merits.


谁能帮我翻译一下这句“ 三里之城,七里之郭,环而攻之而不胜。”?跪谢...
翻译:(比如一座)方圆三里的小城,只有方圆七里的外城,四面包围起来攻打它,却不能取胜。出处: 先秦 《得道多助,失道寡助》,出自《孟子·公孙丑下》原文:天时不如地利,地利不如人和。三里之城,七里之郭,环而攻之而不胜。夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣,然而不胜者,是天时不如地利也。译文...

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谁能帮我翻译一下译成英文 谢啦
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谁能帮我翻译一下啊! 谢谢谢谢谢谢
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